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Headache. Sore back. Confussion. Hangovers were the worst but.....she did it to herself. Why she always had to turn to this well.... she never understood it herself. A groan behind her interrupted her thoughts.

She closed her eyes and cursed herself, "Shit...."

She turned her head slightly and caught a glimpse of a muscular chest and a thick head of brown hair.

'Not bad' she thought and shook her head trying to sneak out of bed without waking him. At least she was in her house not at some cheap hotel that somehow made a dumpster look pleasant, she'd rather forget about that terrible morning

Looking around the room she tried figuring out where her clothes from last night were, one thing Ruby Sheridan hated was a mess. She gave up the search and grabbed her robe hanging behind the bathroom door, she whipped around when a whistle came from the bed and clutched the robe to her chest

"I think that's too late"

Ruby watched him carefully then slowly pulled her robe away to put it on, he studied every move she made and smiled when her eyes met his

"Who are you?"

He chuckled and put his hands behind his head, "You're biggest fan"

She raised her eyebrows and and crossed her arms, "Oh really?"

"My name is Noah"

She nodded, "And how old are you?"

He frowned then laughed, "Am I applying for a job?"

"Just answer my question"

"I am twenty six"

She took a deep breath, "Thank God"

He sat up, "Cutting it close huh?"

"Look I'm sure we had fun-"

"Oh did we"

"Shut up....point is I was drunk and I'm sorry but you have to go"

"What?! Why?"

"I have things to do and places to be"

"Wow.....how many men have you chased out for you to do this so comfortably"

"None of you're business......this was a drunken mistake and we can move on and forget about it"

"You know what I don't think I'm ready to leave"

She sighed and rubbed her head that was now pounding, "Do we have to get security involved?"

He smirked and stood up not even so much as attempting to cover himself, "You are cranky in the morning....I'll go make breakfast..."

She scoffed as he walked past her and spanked her ass, "Take an advil for the headache....", he winked at her and disappeared through the door

She was stunned for a few minutes then went to take a shower and get dressed, her anger grew as she got ready and finally boiled over as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen

"Excuse me!"

He was standing butt naked at the stove with one of her aprons around his waist flipping pancakes, at the sound of her voice he spun around and smiled

"Hey sexy....you like pancakes?"

She put both hands on her hips ready for confrontation

"This is MY house.....and I asked you to leave"

"Relax sweet cheeks I'm just making you breakfast.....you weren't this tense last night"

"I was wasted last night"

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