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US Airport, 1959

"Yes mother I know

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"Yes mother I know......I will do that....."

Ruby spotted her best friend Rachel running up to her and smiled waving at her from across the airport waiting area

".....mother I have to go....yes as soon as I land....okay.....bye"

Rachel ran full speed for Ruby almost knocking her off her feet as she embraced her best friend

"Rach.....I'm so happy you could came"

"I would never miss this golden opportunity  to party hard with my bestie.....I can't believe you're mother agreed to this"

"I know.....but we made a deal, I will agree to the arranged marraige without putting up a fight if she allows me some freedom to roam free for at least a year"

"Roam free?....you're words or hers?"

"Who do you think?", Ruby rolled her eyes and threw a hand around her friend's shoulders walking at a relaxed pace to their luggage

"Why would you even agree to an arranged marraige? I thought you would NEVER let her choose a husband for you"

"Well....I'm hoping to prove to her that I don't need a man at all to be rich and successful......she thinks because she married into wealth I have to as well otherwise a great curse will fall upon our family"

Rachel laughed throwing her head back, "Really?"

Ruby chuckled and shrugged, "She really is crazy....I told you she was out of her mind but you didn't believe me"

"So operation get Ruby Sheridan famous is a go"

"God please don't turn into one of those girls"

"What girls?"

"The overly enthusiastic friend who is really embarrassing without knowing it"

Rachel put a hand over her heart, "Would I EVER embarrass you?"

Ruby stood back and crossed her arms looking at Rachel with an exasperated expression

"You tell me"


She jumped up and down squealing as she ran to show her first class ticket


Ruby buried her face in her hands and slowly followed shaking her head

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