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She stood in front of the big building and watched her dream slip away. She should be happy for Aunt Sofia who needed the money desperately but her heart and her mind were in conflict with each other. Hotel Bella Donna....that's what she would've named her thriving hotel....Hotel. Bella. Donna....

She slowly walked around the hoards of people who were busy fixing up all the decades old damage from fallen structures to warn paint jobs......'I could've done all of this', she sighed, 'with what bank account Donna?'

Money, Money, Money
Must be funny
In a rich man's world

She continued inspecting the workers as she softly hummed the familiar tune to herself

Money, Money, Money
Always sunny
In a rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money

It's rich man's worl- OOF

Her face made contact with something hard and she felt herself fall backwards but two strong hands pulled her back to her standing position. She looked up ready to apologize but the scowl on the man's face instantly shut her up


She looked down to her feet but still felt his irritation and pure loathing scowl burn straight through her skull

"This isn't some kind of concert venue.....what is you're job here and why aren't you doing it?"

She tried breathing but the huge lump in her throat didn't budge not even to gulp


"Are you alright miss? Do you need a doctor?"

There was no concern in his voice as he tapped his fingers against his thigh impatiently. Donna swallowed past her anxiety and forced herself to say SOMETHING

"I-I don't work her-I mean I will wo-I haven't me-I'm the new nanny"

When she looked up after a second of silence she caught the slight hint of amusement cross his features

"Nanny? You? You are to be my children's nanny?"

Her head shot up at that and her breath was once again gone.....'great I just ran into my new boss'



"Excuse me?"

"Captain Cienfuegos....but everyone who works for me call me Captain..."

"......may I ask wh-"

"I was a Captain in the British Navy......any more nosey questions?"

"...n-no sir-Captain-sir-"

"Good well then please don't get in anyone's way"

He turned swiftly and marched away leaving her gobsmacked.....'what an ass....and I have to work for him? Captain?....what kind of person....'


Aunt Sofia's voice brought her out of her brooding thoughts



She groaned and with one final look back at the building stomped down to the restaurant



Ruby recognized the voice in a heartbeat a huge smile spreading across her face


Rachel bound up the stage stairs and raced towards her friend with arms wide open. Ruby enveloped her in her arms and they hugged each other tightly

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