Chapter 5:Ellie and Danielle talk to each other

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Ellie watch a little television as she sees a episode of the Big Bang Theroy as she sees her future daughter or Danielle as she looked at the episode as Ellie forgot her blanket on the bed as she paused the episode of the show and went to her bedroom as she looked around trying to find her blanket.

"need help Mom?" Danielle's voice said as Ellie sees Danielle.

"no, I got it Danielle." Ellie answered.

"you sure?" Danielle wondered.

"I'm sure Danielle and how you know I was getting my blanket?" Ellie asked her.

"you know how Amy and Jenna were speaking to each other when Amy was pregnant with her?" Danielle asked her as Ellie nodded her head yes.

"it's the same thing, only it's me and you this time." Danielle answered.

"but to tell you the truth Danielle, I was hoping you going to see me." Ellie said.

"you were?' Danielle wondered.

"yes and ironically I was about to watch the big bang theroy and when they show Penny from the show and I always smile to see you and I know you are not telling the others from the show." Ellie said.

"don't worry Mom, I didn't." Danielle also said.

"good." Ellie said.

Danielle sees her mother's blanket as she tapped on Ellie's shoulder.

"your blanket as on the chair Mom." Danielle told her.

"thanks Danielle." Ellie said.

"why this blanket is special to you?" Danielle asked.

"that blanket you gave me Danielle, was from my grandmother or your great grandmother and she gave it to my mother or your grandmother and she gave it to me." Ellie explained.

"so it is a family heirloom?" Danielle wondered.

"it is and I will give this blanket to you when you are older Danielle." Ellie said.

"thanks Mom." Danielle said.

"so you want to go to the pool area?" Ellie asked her.

"we have a pool area?" Danielle wondered.

"yes and maybe one day I can take you on a tour of the bunker and it's history." Ellie offered Danielle.

"sure." Danielle said.

Ellie and Danielle heads towards to the pool area of the Men of Letters bunker as Danielle looked at Ellie as Ellie smiled at her.

"what is it Danielle?" Ellie asked her future daughter.

"why the whole family living in a bunker?" Danielle asked her.

"you want the short version or the long version about our family is living in a bunker?" Ellie wondered as Danielle gets a thought about it and looked at Ellie.

"maybe you can give me the history of the bunker now and I can still take the tour of the bunker one of these days." Danielle said.

"you sure Danielle?" Ellie asked her.

"I'm pretty sure Mom." Danielle said.

"again you want the short version or the long version about it?" Ellie wondered.

"well, definitely the long version of the bunker." Danielle answered.

"The Men of Letters bunker was created in 1932 and opened in 1935 and the secrt organisation was founded by Sam and Dean Winchester's grandfather and two other men and around 2013  Sam and Dean met their grandfather and he gave a key to them and couple of months ago, both Sam and Dean gave the bunker key to your grandparents and before our family moved inside the Men of Letters bunker, your grandfather was looking for a headquarters for this branch of Torchwood and he was supported or found a decommission Navy ship but when he sees the bunker for the first time and decided that the bunker will become the official headquarters of this Torchwood branch." Ellie explained.

"is this the only Torchwood branch?" Danielle asked her.

"no, there is a couple of Torchwood branches in different parts of the world." Ellie answered.

"where?" Danielle wondered.

"there is a main Torchwood branch in Cardiff, Wales, there was one in London and it was the main Torchwood branch at the time and I will tell you about it the next time and there is a another in Glasgow, Scotland and as you know Torchwood in Cardiff, and there is a mysterious unknown branch called Torchwood four but this branch is missing and the mystery of Torchwood four is not solved to this day." Ellie said.

"who told you the history of Torchwood Mom?" Danielle asked her.

"your grandfather when I met a friend of his and his name is Captain Jack Harkness." Ellie answered.

"and what about my family, you promise me about my family?" Danielle reminded Ellie.

"you have a lot of Aunts and a lot of cousins and I will tell you about them." Ellie said.

"please do Mom." Danielle said.

"well, you have Aunt Jenny and Aunt Daisy and recently your twin cousins Dakota and Kate had a birthday, Aunt Sam and Aunt Wanda they have triplet daughters, then there's your twin Aunts Emma and Scarlett and your cousin Donna are in Junior High and you have a Aunt that is two and her name is Padme." Ellie said.

"why two?' Danielle asked.

"she was born on Labor Day and your Aunt Wanda saw a vision that Padme will grow up via a spell by her enemy." Ellie answered.

"who Aunt Wanda's?" Danielle wondered.

"yes and you already aware that your Aunt Wanda is a witch." Ellie said.

"yes." Danielle also said.

"don't worry Danielle, she is a very nice and very warm Aunt and she is a witch that you can trust and protective of our family." Ellie said.

"she must be a very trusted member of this family?" Danielle wondered.

"again Danielle, she is." Ellie said with a smile on her face.

"that's good." Danielle said.

"and if you want, you should ask the anybody if they believe in either angels or witches or witchcraft and see what they have to say about it." Ellie told her.

"I will Mom." Danielle said.

"and here we are at the pool area of the bunker." Ellie said.

"I see it have a hot tub." Danielle said as she enter the pool area.

"and a sauna near the hot tub." Ellie also said.

"did Sam or Dean know about it?" Danielle asked her.

"what, about Torchwood?" Ellie wondered.

"no, the pool area." Danielle answered.

"I think they do Danielle." Ellie said.

Danielle kissed Ellie's cheek as Ellie smiled.

"thanks Danielle." Ellie said.

"your welcome Mom." Danielle also said.

Chapter 6 soon.

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