19- News To Me

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"Lex I am so nervous right now." I spoke to her as I paced around the space.

"That may be but what you are doing is not only hurting you but the other people involved. You have to fix this Ayana for everyone's benefit." She spoke to me, she is right. Lexy is a real ass friend and is not afraid to tell you how it is.

"I know but what if everything falls apart then what?" I asked thinking the worse as usual.

"Do not think of that part of it. Just know that this is the right thing to do." She reasoned with me, I thought over the mess I made and agreed. I can not sit here and just mess with peoples feelings like that. This is not something I would do to people, I am honestly not sure what is happening with me.

"I know I know, you are right. How should I do it though? Sit all three of them down and explain? Break it off one by one? Just so confused." I asked concerned.

"I believe that is up to you to figure out. Think about how you would want someone to break this news to you." She spoke to me making so much sense. "Anyways I have to get back to practice. Coach has been riding us like a billy goat since practice started. Really ready to two piece her long back ass." 

"You are so annoying man." I spoke laughing. "But you are right. I will let you know how everything goes down. Kill it out there fine." I spoke to her.

"You know I will. They don't call me magic for nada. But love you." She spoke from her end of the phone.

"I love you too Lex, thanks for the advice." I spoke before hanging up the phone.

I got up and started to mentally prepare myself for this mess I am about to deal with. I have been at the hospital with my dad and Nana all day. I had to step away to talk to Lexy. I need a damn break from them though. All they do is argue and it is highly annoying but also pretty hilarious. After getting some snacks for everyone from the vending machine I walked back to his room.

"Damn E, change this sad shit. A bitch is finna get in her feelings. I definitely do not have time for that today. I look to much like a bad bitch right now okay." My Nana spoke loud as hell. I am starting to believe she does not have an inside voice.

"Can you have a seat somewhere. I got shot and you are complaining? This is ridiculous man." My dad said irritated as hell.

"No what is ridiculous is you trying to watch these ol sad ass soap operas. So you damn skippy I am complaining. You lucky I even came up to this shit hole. I hate doctors let alone these hospitals. So Eric do not get popped in that lip of yours." She spoke to him with a straight face and a deadass tone in her voice.

"You know what here just take the remote." My dad basically threw the remote at my Nana and I knew it was time to step in before she spazzed. I could tell he was mad as hell though which is hard to get my father.

"Boy who the fu-" My Nana started to speak/almost yell but I cut in before she could finish.

"What I think she meant Dad was that you need to watch something that will uplift you in this situation. Maybe something funny to keep your head off of your current situation, that's all. And Nana you have to remember what your therapists said about your tone and word choice." Yes, she is in therapy but should have guessed that much. Before I could even start my next sentence she butted in.

"See I was trying to be nice about it. You could of just turned the channel fuck is you pouting for? You just look mad pussy b for real." She spoke missing the whole point.

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