Chapter 18

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The people who knew about the tapes beside clay and a few others were sat in the gym on the bleachers

Ella was sitting between Zach and Justin as they began to discuss the current situation

"He's out of his fucking mind" Justin says angrily

"We played by Hannah's rules. It's not fair if the tapes get out there because clay went postal" Courtney states

"Your only worried about yourself" Ella growls at Courtney angrily

"He's not going to go public" Zach says

"It feels like he might" Courtney says

"He's just sad okay let him be" Alex says and Ella nods her head because she agrees with him

Alex groans and grabs his stomach

"Are you getting your stomach things again alex?" Jessica asks in worry "come sit down a minute"

"What stomach things" Justin asks angrily, obviously jealous over the twos interactions

"He loved her and she died. Okay he's going crazy just like Ella did with Jeff" Alex says and Ella looks down at her lap in sadness. There want a single day that went by that she didn't think of Jeff "he's not crazy okay. Just give him a second"

"He's not sad okay. He's getting revenge" Courtney says

"Just shut up already Courtney. He is fucking sad okay. I'm fucking sad. If I could trade my life for Jeff's I would and if someone had known the actual person who knocked the stop sign down that night I would be pretty fucking Pissed at them. Because I fucking loved him." Ella says angrily "and it's not like we don't fucking deserve it. It's our fault"

"Alex come sit down" Jess says again and then Marcus comes through the doors

"Dude you're late" Justin says angrily

"I talked to tony. He said he'll take car if it" Marcus states

"What does that mean exactly" Courtney asks

"Tony's a dick" Justin says angrily

"He's not a dick" Zach and Ella both say to Justin

"He's a dick. His a prick. And he's a cock" Justin says

"Dude those are all the same thing" Zach and Ella both say

"No. They're nuances of meaning" Justin says

"Where did you learn that word" Ella asks and shoved him playfully

"Right yeah" Zach says

"Look tony isn't going to do shit" Justin says angrily "we have to take care of this. End that little bastard once and for all"

"That's insane" Courtney says and Ella rolls her eyes

"I don't know" Justin mumbles angrily "what of we make it look like a suicide"

"Are you being serious right now Justin. That's insane" Ella says in shock and anger "we're not killing the boy"

"How tragic is that. Two star crossed lovers or some shit like that" Justin says angrily

"This is not some Romeo and Juliet story Justin" Ella scoffs

"Grow up Justin" Zach says angrily

"Are you really telling me to grow up little mamas boy" Justin says angrily

"Seriously Justin stop" Ella said

"Yeah I am" Zach says and tries to stay calm which he was able to do due to the fact that Ella was standing up for him

Alex grunts in pain again and Justin yells at him "Dude go see a fucking doctor"

"I've seen like a dozen doctors dude" Alex said emphasising the dude to mock Justin

"One thing. If one thing had gone differently somewhere along the line maybe things would have gone differently and none of this would have happened"

Justin, Zach and Ella walk back to the gym when the notice Jess was still back in there

"What the hell jess are you coming or not" Justin asks and walks over to her while Zach and Ella stand back at the doors waiting

"In a minute I'm talking to alex" Jessica says

"Oh about what" Justin asks angrily

"About how much she misses me" Alex says to the jock sarcastically but then gets serious "about how much better of a boyfriend I am than you. How she wishes she never broke up with me. How you smell bad"

Jess laughs "Alex come on"

"Fuck you alex" Justin says

"What if's totally true she was like 'Justin smells bad' and I was like it know'" Alex says

"I did not say that" Jess laughs

"You're a funny guy standall" Justin says angrily

"No you're funny Justin with the let's end the little bastard. What's that about?" Alex asks

"It's about protecting ourselves" Justin says angrily

"From what" Alex yells

"From Hannah's lies" Justin yells back

"But did she lie? Cause I'm really not sure. Cause she told the truth about me" Alex says and the walks off

"We should go and let them talk" Ella says to Zach and he nods his head and they both walk out of there

"So how is things with your dad going" Zach asks her quietly

"Not that great" she admitted "and o can't just go to Jeff's house anymore every time that my old man comes home you know. And your mum scares me. Justin has a shitty home life too and so does monty"

"So what do you do" Zach asks

"Monty and I usually find places for us to sleep and then when my dads not home he comes over to mine" she replies

"Good thing he isn't home to much then" Zach mumbles

"Yeah it is" she smiled softly

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