Chapter XXVII -D- Out for Blood

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The car stops and I look at the warehouse in front of my window.

Me and the boys exit the car and walk right in, it's dark and the smell isn't that great.

We keep walking and hear someone coughing in pain. Getting closer, I see Vincent with his arms crossed looking at the figure in a chair. Adrien.

Anger washes over me as soon as I see him, his feet and hands are bound and obviously Vincent started to work on him before we get here. No matter how much he made him suffer it isn't enough.

I walk up to him and punch him square in the face and he winces. watching him suffer gives me a small amount of pleasure.

I look at Vincent and nod at him signaling that I want to talk.

We all walk a little further away and I asked him to tell me how he knew where Mel was.

"I made a list of suspects that were at the party, and then realized that there was a person with motive and means. And by not being at the party had opportunity. I traced his finances just to be sure and found the other guys. He paid them to be his little gang. That plus the way he behaved towards Mel in Anthony's ball, made me suspect him. I took a wild guess that he would also be involved in her disappearance. If as you said no one had anything against her, I thought that maybe someone at something against you. After that I just traced his phone and realize he was in the perfect spot to keep someone with no real reason why we should be there."

"You should have told me this from the start."

"No reason why I should. It would only cloud your judgement and distract you. I know you, you would be boiling with anger instead of focusing on Mel's rescue. That could cost her, her life."

"You're right." I'm not the most rational person when I'm angry, so I understand where his coming from. To him is all strategy, he's a soldier. To me it would have been emotional.

"As usual." Jared says.

"Now what should I do to him?" I ask out loud, although it was more of a rhetorical question.

"I've been questioning him until you got here." I smirk at the way he says 'questioning'.

"Did he told you why he tried to have me killed and kidnap my girlfriend?"



"Apparently those are two completely different events."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... He tried to kill you for the most obvious reason, jealousy. He has always been jealous of you."

"That's ridiculous." Why would he be jealous of me?

"Is it?" Matt asks.


"Evidently he doesn't think so, he wanted to be the one to inherent your father's business and obviously you would, because he keeps ruining everything he touches, and your father knows it." Vincent says.

"Besides, you are successful and he's a failure." Matt says this loud enough for Adrien, in the next room, hear.

"Seriously he tried to murder me because of a business that I don't even want? I have my own business, a successful one."

"And that only makes him angrier, he wants it and won't have it and you don't want it and will have it. Besides, you already have a successful business and he has nothing, and you will still get it."

"That's not even my decision, my father makes that call." Although it is obvious that it won't be Adrien, especially now.

"I know, but he's still too scared of father to go against him, so he goes against you."

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