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Hello readers! No idea how to explain this without spoilers, so read on!


Third POV

Doc was feeling awful. He had been throwing up, sneezing, coughing, and being generally sick. He was currently lying on his back in bed, sweating and coughing. He had called X, who had called the other people on the server, even if some couldn't make it. Only Bdubs, Grian, Ren, and X himself. Ren sat on his bed next to him. Doc gave his friend a faint smile. "A bit l-like that t-time with the mind-control p-person." He said, ignoring his hoarse voice. He felt a hand on his other shoulder. Grian had sat down on his other side, and was handing Doc some water to drink. The cyborg accepted the gift with a small cough, and chugged nearly the whole thing. Bdubs looked at his friend worriedly. Somehow, the creeper was sweating and shivering simultaneously. Doc caught his eye, and gave him a reassuring smile. Bdubs just frowned, getting a wet towel and handing it to Ren for Doc's forehead. Doc sighed, which lead into a coughing fit, which lead into him throwing up again. X was making medicine and sprinkling in a few admin commands, worrying about his cr- his friend. "X! Hurry up with the medicine, he's out again!" Ren called from the other room. X sighed, adding the last parts to the anti-nausea drug. Stepping in the other room, he looked down, for once, at his fellow hermit. Doc really wasn't doing so good- his wires were pulsing a vibrant red, if they pulsed at all. The latter was what worried X the most. If blood wasn't going to his brain, what would happen? Would he deactivate, like before? Or...X refused to think about it. He put the medicine in Bdubs' hands, then went to get Doc's coat cleaned up. Grian gently brushed his friend's hair, humming softly. Doc did this often; pass out all of the sudden, sleep for a day or two, and wake up again. The problem was, was that they wouldn't know when he would wake up, so it was worrying every single time.

~Time Skip So You Don't Have To Watch Doc Suffer~

Doc sat up, gasping. "H-how long th-this time?" The cyborg asked, rubbing his eyes. "A week." X replied, not turning to look at the sweating hybrid. Doc just shook his head, laying back down. Grian walked in, holding a tray of food. He wordlessly handed him the bowl of soup, then gave X a sandwich with a nearly silent whisper. X nodded, leaving with his lunch, leaving Grian in his spot. The winged hermit sat, casually pulling a golden carrot out of his inventory and munching on it. Doc blinked, then rolled over and tried to sleep. It was agonizing by now, the pain. It was numb from sleep right now, and he was shaking because of it.

~Small Time Skip~

X was on guard duty again. He sat in the chair at the foot of Doc's bed, going through his admin commands for a cure. He tried to be all tough when Doc woke up, but on the inside, he was panicking like a cat with its tail on fire. He heard a cough from behind him, and he turned to see Doc, with dark pools under his eyes, staggering out of bed. The creeper immediately had to lean on a wall, but he stubbornly kept standing. X stood up and made for his friend. "Doc, you are in no state to-" "X, I'm fine." "Doc-" "I'm fine." X simply shook his head, then steered the sickly hermit back to bed. Easily pinning the tall cyborg down by holding a shoulder firmly, X sighed. Doc growled a little, then rolled over stiffly. X sat back down on his chair, hearing snores coming from behind him.

How long will he be out this time?


So that  happened. Sorry for torturing Doc more, but it's just SO FUN TO TORTURE HIM! Argh my moral compass is telling me one thing, and my brain is telling me another! But who cares about that, I made a thing, and I'll start writing a part 2 tomorrow. (Note: It won't be called Cybersick: P2. It'll be Cyber-some-other-word. :/) Cya folks!

~Chat, signing off~

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