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I entered his room and he just sat on the ground. I gave him his food and he ate it. "Do you know about yourself more than we know" He looked at me, "Yes I do and prefer that we talk like this and this should be written down or anything." I nodded. "Good, now I'll explain:
Before I turned into this monster or as an SCP with Keter class, I was a scientist, much a doctor just like you. I am Dr. Moscow or as some of my friends call me, Russia. I was well respected from my field because of creating substances that is either helpful or dangerous. I enjoy my job until-" He stopped and I got out of the room quickly and saw China and my brother going inside and having a chat with me. "There is a new guard coming" "What your brother forgot to add is that there are two guards coming and they are highly trained in fighting Keter class SCPs and they are recommended to be guarding this room than the two guards who have stressing out lately. I smiled and they tilted their head a little to see Russia. "So do you know more about him?" I shook my head, "He doesn't want anyone to know about him." I nodded their heads with understanding. They pushed me out for fun, "Let's go eat lunch!" We went to the break room and ate lunch. We chatted and fun things about the SCPs. "I gave SCP-236 a notebook and told her that she could write spells in there and she tried her first spell and the D class was trapped inside a bubble and we eventually popped it and he landed on face, it was hilarious, you should've seen it." We talked for awhile then two guards entered in and got food and ate in a different table. I got up and went near to the table. I felt their gaze on me. We finished and we went to work. I felt someone following me. I arrived at Russia or SCP-6000 room. I went inside and one of them grabs my coat. It was the guards, "Let him free!" "Він не знає, про що ти говориш" I was confused about what they said. "Я в порядке, и он еще не сделал мне больно" The guard dropped me and I was a bit confused. One of the guards helped me up, "Sorry Belarus hurt you like that, she is just worried about Russia or as you guys call him, SCP-6000" I shook my head, "The other doctors call him that, but not me, I mostly call him Dr. Moscow."


Ukraine( I wasn't sure but prefer using Ukrainian than Russian, just to make sure) :
Він не знає, про що ти говориш- He doesn't know what you're talking about

Russian- Я в порядке, и он еще не сделал мне больно- I'm fine and didn't hurt me yet

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