¤| Chapter Eight |¤

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Help me I think I am goin crazy cuz of that meme--

And speaking of the two (Mono and Twenty-Three) this is a chapter is gonna focus on em.


Credit to: DogInATuxedo thanks for making me laugh too loud cuz of the memes.

Now on to the story before I lose my mind pls help--


.: Mono P.o.V. :.

Mono screamed as he felt himself fall. Just after Six fell into one of the holes that sprouted out of nowhere back at the school ground, other shadow children grabbed Seven, Twenty-Three, and his feet then dragged them into different holes.

The hole was dark, and Mono swore he could see that the darkness was swirling agitatedly. The grasp on his ankle got tighter and Mono reached down trying to break free, yet only made whatever was holding him hold on tighter. Mono winced when he felt nails dug into his skin and he let go, still falling down to who-knows-where.

The swirling things giggled and reached out to Mono. He could feel their icy cold hands sweep to his arms and face. The darkness was slowly enveloping him if he doesn't find a way to leave this place. Mono looked down, yet it was only dark even if he squinted his eyes to see better. The only things he did see was himself and the shadowy swirls and hands that reached out for him.

Where does it lead to anyways?

Author: It leads to Wonderland--

The hand still gripped on Mono's ankle and dragged him down. Everything seems to be pushing down deeper into this dark hole. The shadows continued to whisper and giggle, making Mono's hair stand up on edge.

Beware her.

You'll get hurt.

Don't be deceived by her.

Mono shook his head and ignored the whispers. They it seemed to grow closer the farther he fell, all clawing his legs and arms. All whispering into his ear. They didn't sound like talking to him, yet still they continued their conversation close to his ear. It was both scary and irritating.

What sad life you had.

You HAVE. Not had idiot!

Well they are the same. Other he and he are the same.

Well they ARE the same p-e-r-s-o-n!

Oh look this shadow idiot knows how to spell!

Mono pushed the whispers away, he doesn't understand most of their conversation. The grip on his ankle suddenly jerked him down, tossing him into the abyss. Mono screamed once again before he passed out, the whispers dying down once Mono lost conciousness.


Mono gasped as he jerked up. Which was a bad thing to do since his head pounded badly like some hammer slammed onto his brain. Once the headache lessened a bit, Mono noticed his paperbag was messed and he quickly fixed it, he blinked a bit before scanned his surroundings. Then let out a small gasp.

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