Chapter Three

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Moonbin had recognised her, she knew, for his eyes widened as he saw her and he seemed surprised and suspicious. She felt anxious. What possible explanation could she give him for having ran away from him for a month, and for suddenly reappearing like that. On top of that, she had told him she was looking for a job in the advertising area, and now she was in a club, lasciviously dancing in a tight short dress. She didn't feel embarrassed about the way she was dressed or anything, she was worried about what he would say to her. She kept on dancing, concentrating on Chul - or at least trying to... When the music stopped, so did the two partners, and everyone applauded. She smiled and bowed, and looked around the room. She saw Astro members, applauding. Cha Eun Woo was softly clapping his hands together, gently smiling; Kim Myung-Jun had a bright smile plastered on his face, and was vigorously and happily cheering the dancers; Yoon San Ha was sitting next to Kim Myung-Jun and following his happy lead; Park Jin Woo was calmly clapping as well; and finally, Park Min-Hyuk had a straight face, his cat eyes seemed to pierce right through Sienna, as if he knew what she was, even though he was applauding. Moonbin was sitting, staring at Sienna, and didn't move, making the young girl even more nervous about what was coming next. But she didn't have the time to think about it, for the music started. Slow violins. She slowly and coyly started walking towards Chul. As she was close to Chul, she felt a hand grab her hand and pull her backwards. She didn't lose her balance, and swirled towards the person who had taken her hand. She stopped short, her body pressed against a young man who was standing straight and proudly, his face as cold as ice, their faces only inches apart. She looked up at him and repressed the urge to step back.

"What the hell are you doing?" she hissed.

"I've been looking for you for the past month... How can someone disappear so easily like that?"

"You can't do that right now," she said in a whisper. The music was still going, and as she spoke, she kept dancing. She slid down against the young man looking at him, then at the floor. She then quickly got up, and graciously moved behind him. He turned his head to the side, eyes on the floor, as Sienna rested her left hand on the young man's stomach, and slid her right one from his shoulder to his chest. "Have you ever danced tango?" she asked angrily, whispering in his ear.

"As a matter of fact," the young man answered as he grabbed Sienna's right hand, made her twirl under his arm and grabbed her waist, putting them in a waltz position, all of this very quickly, "I did." Chul started walking towards Sienna, but Kwang-min stopped him, and shook his head.

They started moving slowly, their bodies close to each other, in rapid and sensual movements. Sienna then slid her foot to the front, between the young man's legs, and pushed his right leg to the side, surprising the young man who looked at her coldly. "What are you trying to do?" he frowned.

"Nothing, I'm dancing!" she hissed. "If you know how this goes," she continued as she spinned and came back to him, "you wouldn't be surprised." She gave him a tight smile. The crowd held its breath.

"Oh, so this is how you want to play it!" the young man exclaimed. He grabbed Sienna's leg and put it around his waist, then wrapped his arms around her skinny waist, pulling her closer to him. Sienna let herself fall backwards, and the young man followed her movement, his face close to hers, his hands moving up to her shoulders, then sliding down her back. They then straightened up quickly. They swirled together, then a few feets apart, kept on moving, passion in their eyes, for two other minutes, then finally, they came back to each other, pressed against each other, breathless, and on the last note, Sienna arched her back, her leg around the young man's waist, while he was holding her, standing straight. There was a moment of silence, followed by a thunderous applause. Sienna straightened up and looked at the young man, before graciously bowing to the audience.

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