CHAPTER 24 - Come to the End

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"Please, hold for a minute officer." I pretended.

"Why? Isn't this your wish? To have us imprisoned? This was all your plan, right?" I asked. "B-but please..." Chisato sobbed.

"Please don't take Eve and Hina away." Chisato muttered. My brain thought up of something. "Ah i get it! So, you're planning to lock us up, so Eve and Hina would split from our crew, is that it?" I analyzed.

"Whoooa!" Eve and Hina gasped. Their thoughts became messy by Chisato's potential plan.

The culprit's hands covered her miserable face. "Come on, Miss. Just say yes, and no. It's that simple," I shook her light body a bit.

"Chisato... I-is that right...?" Eve approached her friend who had a breakdown.

"T-to be honest... I-I don't want you t-to j-join th-this t-t-thing..." Chisato's washed face faced her dear silver and teal partners.

"You mean our racin' stuff?" Hina inspected.

"Y-yes..." Chisato confirmed.

"Why, Chisato?" Eve asked calmly.

"Ever since you guys joined this racing thing, we've been spending less time together. Our practice sessions, and just generally our time together." Chisato explained.

"So, i thought the only way that i can restore it, is to split you guys up." She continued.

"I- I understand your intentions, Chisato. But you're executing it the wrong way." I said. "You could've just spoke to Hina and Eve and they'll probably do something about it! Not trying to kill us and imprison us!"

"I'm not trying to kill you. Remember the one in Netherlands? I had to report my manager to the police because he's a lunatic. He commanded your rivals and then passed to their mercenary to remove you from existence," She attempted to make herself less guilty. "I've talk to them so many times, but they wouldn't listen. Hina said, "That's not boppin'," every time, and Eve nodded in agreement all the time".

"Chisato. You could've elaborated. We thought you're just playing around," Eve responded.

"I have, but you don't listen!" Her shout silenced the backstage.

"So, what do we do now? Should we do something? Note that we are still "imprisoned". So we can't just roam around outside." Eirine said to me.

"The point is, all i wanted was for us to be together again, to be whole as pastel palettes." Chisato sighed.

Eve and Hina expressed their face of guilt. They looked at each other, telepathically communicated that they had done something horrible. Later, Eve approached Chisato who gently wept and expressed all she felt, "Chisato, Hina and I deeply apologize of what we've done. We've been ignorant by our other career for 10 years, thus not listening to your concern and feeling. We didn't even realize Pastel*Palettes wasn't as close as we were in high school years. We should've cared more, and we will".

"Does this mean, that you guys will quit racing?" Chisato brightened up. "Well?" Hina and Eve looked at us.

"I suppose we can take a break. A really long one. We chained these events from rally to street from all around the world. Yeah, i suppose I'm going to rest, for now." I said.

"Yeah, there's no upcoming events anyway, and like Joseph said, tired." Shizaki continued.

"Talking about wife, oh crap, i haven't gave Tsugumi a call ever since that imprisonment status!" I realized. I opened my phone to many missed calls.

I gave Tsugumi a call. "Joseph?! Is that you?" Tsugumi spoke. "Yes, it's me." I replied. "Are you in prison? I saw the news, what happened?!" She asked.

"No, I'm not in prison, I'm fine here with the guys." I calmed Tsugumi down, "Those are false. Even the police has confirmed they're wrong. Look at Interpol's social media".

"Oh! I just saw a 2 weeks old news. I'm such a dummy. Great to hear that".

While Tsugumi and I were calling, I witnessed Chisato hugged Hina and Eve warmly. "I'm sorry, Chisato..." Both of the girls cried it out. "I apologize too. I shouldn't have put you in such pressure," Chisato replied.


"Well, this is what this all has come down to. We reached the podiums yet again and an emotional reunion! Great!" I cheered.

"So, we good to go outside? We're not hunted anymore?" Eirine asked. "Nope, you're good. The police has rested the case, yet again." Kokoro confirmed.

"Well guys, it's been a journey. I never expected us to meet and race again like this in 10 years." I said. "But hey, perhaps all things must come to an end. We have to leave our racing days behind and care for our families." I continued.

"Well, that's your problem." Eirine made a comeback. "Alright alright, well guys, Hina, Eve, Bushido, everyone. It's been great, but i gotta go home now. See you guys in like, 5 years or so." I joked.

"Haha, we're back in the place where we started huh? Japan that is." Hina said. "Since we're cool now we can hang out and stuff and be chill, and you guys can continue your band life that you have developed for 10 years." I said.

"Well guys, gotta go home now bye see you soon." I bid farewell. "Wait, do you think of going home in my GT?" Kokoro halted.

"Uhh, no?" I answered. "Here, your car's over there." Kokoro handed me the alfa romeo keys. "Your Renault will be sent to your house shortly after." She continued.

"Alright cool, im tired i wanna sleep." I took the keys, and went home. Home sweet home i missed you. I knocked on the door. "Honey it's me open up." I said.

Soon, Tsugumi opened the door. "Welcome back." Tsugumi said with a tired voice. "Let's talk about it later, now let's go to sleep." I went inside.

And thus, their incredible journey of Motorsports, ends there. With all complications settled.

After the break of their racing career, each crew member went their separate ways. Shizaki decided to study graphic design, and planning to work as a designer. Ken studied more about engineering, and became one of Japan's top tuners. Eirine started baking and opened a bakery with Hana. Eve and Hina returned to pastel Palettes once again as idols, for god knows how long. All in all, things end peacefully, for all.

Dawn of Motorsports Saga, Complete!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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