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" I cannot fathom if you're mildly suicidal or merely dull. "


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" Attention students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as usual. "

The atmosphere was heavy and whispers spread like wildfire. The news of Derek Hale's release from police custody was overshadowed by the gruesome discovery of a body in a school bus. It was all the students of Beacon Hills High talked about as they traversed the hallways and it was frankly beginning to grate on Miya's nerves.

She was already on edge with what she had pried from Derek: an unknown alpha with a bloody— yet to be discovered— agenda had bit Scott (probably to bolster his strength)... murdering Laura Hale for power. The brooding wolf's older sister had abruptly upped and came back to Beacon Hills on business, though the nature of it was unclear to Derek. Both he and Miya privately suspected that she had been lured.

To make matters worse— the alpha's recklessness and penchant for blood were quickly gaining the attention of the hunters. Just as Miya had feared. If the situation persisted, reinforcements wouldn't be far behind... something that neither Derek nor Miya wanted.

As such, they had spent their time patrolling the Preserve, trying to sniff out clues on the identity of the alpha whilst keeping a keen eye on the new beta. But Miya wondered, slamming her books into her locker, how long it would be until the alpha struck again.

She had a private feeling that it would not be all that long.

" Miya... "

The girl in question was pulled out of her swirling thoughts at the soft whimper. Spinning on her heel, she found a very apologetic (and, she noted with a frown, fearful) looking Isaac Lahey. Head ducked, shoulders hunched, he didn't meet her gaze as he trembled before her, a hand scratching the back of his neck nervously.

" Miya, I'm so sorry about last Saturday, I— " he swallowed thickly, eyes cast downwards "— I had, um, there was a... I really had to go home and... I just— " the blue-eyed boy sighed, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck in frustration. " I really, really wanted to get Mexican with you. I'm sorry I kinda... ditched you. "

Isaac cringed as he finished his fumbling 'apology'. He hadn't met her gaze the entire time (and still hadn't at its conclusion), choosing to look down and off to the side with an expression that Miya could only describe as 'wounded puppy'.

The blonde girl sighed, rubbing the back of her neck in resignation. She couldn't very well blame him for pulling a disappearing act on her, seeing she herself would have done the same thing to him to deal with her furry problem.

" Honestly, it's alright Isaac— " Miya cut herself off and narrowed her eyes focusing on his face. His head was ducked and he exclusively faced the right, a splattering of yellowing-purple on his jaw caught her attention.

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