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" You want a beta? "

JUUNII —" You want a beta? "

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Miya, to Scott's surprise, hadn't been as pleased as he'd expected (considering Peter Hale hd been... disposed of) when he told her of the events that took place at Hale House. 

She had sat, back straight and shoulder's pulled back like a queen receiving her subject, one of Lydia's hands sandwiched between hers by the strawberry blonde's bedside. If she hadn't nodded ever so often as he recounted the tale, Scott would've assumed she hadn't been listening at all. 

" Derek's the alpha now,  " she stated plainly, when he had finished. Running her thumb down the back of Lydia's hand. Even with his enhanced vision, he barely caught the downward tilt of Miya's cherry-tinted lips. 

" How's Lydia? " The sophomore changed the subject, eyes on the bandage that peaked out between the fabrics that drapped over the bedridden girl. He hadn't askede explicitly what he— and Stiles— had bounced back and forth when they had ridden in Roscoe up to Beacon Hill Memorial, and Miya knew it well. 

" The wounds remain, " she replied evenly. " She's healing... slowly. " Stiles grinned from the otherside of Lydia. 

" That's— " he laughed "— that's great! " Looking earnestly at his best friend who stood at the foot of the bed, he grinned wholeheartedly. " Isn't that great, Scott? " The wolf gnawed on the inside of his cheek. 

" It's not healed? " Miya shook her head. " But... she's going to be... okay...? " Stiles frowned. 

" What? What is it? " The hazel-eyed boy asked warily, looking between the wolf and the fox. He just knew he wasn't going to like the answer he got. 

" She's not turning into a werewolf, " Scott replied. " I healed by the next day when I was bit. " Stiles hummed. 

" So she's still human? " Miya shook her head in response. 

" The bite changes you, " she murmured in a solemn tone. " It changes you. Or you die. "

" Lydia's not dying... and she's not a werewolf... " Scott trailed off. 

" ... So what is she? " Stiles finished. Miya sighed, turning her attention back to the sleeping girl. 

Wasn't that the question?

" You really need to find better accommodation if you're going to stay in Beacon Hills for the long haul, " Miya drawled, grimacing as she looked at her surroundings. " How about a nice loft apartment? Or a Holiday Inn? It's truly baffling that you went from the crispy remains of your childhood home... to this? "

This being an abandoned railway station in a state of total disrepair. Boasting several dusty platforms and outdated subway cars, she was mildly curious as to why it was even built. There were no subway stations in Beacon Hills— they didn't even have Uber— so the idea for an underground public transport system must have been scrapped early on.

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