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He didn't say a single word.


Jihoon didn't come back after that.

Even then, though, Soonyoung would stand behind the counter as he worked, eyeing the door desperately, waiting to see that small figure walk in and smile at him. He waited anxiously for the sight to fill his being with warmth and love... but it never happened.

His body was completely helpless, now. Every time he moved, his limbs felt like they would give out on him. So much as taking five steps had him sitting down in fatigue.

This was exactly how it was for him in the beginning, too, when he lost the love of his life for the first time. Fatigue, depression, stomach aches, uninterest--they were all of the symptoms that proved that he was still nothing more than the 15 year old boy he used to be, cursed with a broken heart.

And even as he got dressed to go to a flower viewing party that Minghao and Junhui had forced on him, his body was begging, pleading for him to just sit down and wallow in his sorrow. All of his limbs protested, his mind screaming out, but he knew he had to do this--he wouldn't disappoint Junhui. He had already disappointed Jihoon, and that in itself was already overwhelming. He couldn't do it again.

"You look good."

Junhui smiled at him, calmly leaning against the inside of the doorway, his hands crossed over his chest. He wore a baggy, turquoise hoodie and ripped skinny jeans. His dark hair was ruffled on top of his head, not at all styled, but something about it was so flattering that he could have made the straightest man in the world swoon. He seemed oblivious to the extent of his handsomeness, though. Anyone who looked as good as he did would have spent a decade boasting, yet he had never done so much as smiled at himself in the mirror.

"Thanks," Soonyoung murmured, not believing the male, as he looked down at his own attire. It was much the same as Junhui's, but he didn't think he pulled it off nearly as well as his friend did. The worst part was that his roommate didn't even have to try to be handsome, yet here he was: absolutely dazzling.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

And there they went, Minghao trailing behind them, his longing gaze boring holes into Junhui's clothed back. The car ride wasn't so long, only an hour there, plus an extra fifteen minutes so they could pick up Chan and bring him along.

So an hour and a half later, they were walking into a large, pale building. The doors were big and bulky, with heavy looking handles that were probably rusted from years of use. The exterior didn't matter, though, not when they took the first step inside and saw what was awaiting them. From one wall to the other, there were flowers. Pots were sat by pots, each one obviously a different kind of flower than the one before it. This same pattern continued throughout the rest of the room, leaving the inside full of magnificent buds that varied from red to purple. Sweet scents built upon dull scents, colors built upon colors, and it was beautiful.

"Oh, wow," Minghao whispered, his eyes wide with wonder. His glasses had slid down his nose, but it appeared that he didn't need them, as the blobs of green and red and blue and pink were enough to satiate his thirst for beauty. "This is really pretty."

Junhui smirked, though not at all was the expression intimidating. He looked more like a proud little bunny. "See, this is why I told you guys to come." He filled his chest with fresh, cold air, savoring the many scents wafting around in the room. "What do you think, Soonyoung?"

At the mention of his name, the blonde slowly turned to face his friend. He forced a small and short-lived smile. "It's very pretty. Thank you for bringing me."

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