seven. Emo Adonis

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"Hey girl." The dark haired girl smiled hugging the singer tightly. "What's going on with you? Ms. Drama following you around!" The two laughed as they sat down in the booth. "Oh my god. Where to even start." Flipping her hair over her shoulder she smiled lightly. "I got a new tattoo." "What else is new. You have how many now? Like 90?" Courtney laughed loudly, shaking her head at her friend's dramatic number. "Shut up. All my tattoos have meaning." "You have a Pokémon on your arm but okay. Anyways tell me, how's the song you're doing with the emo adonis coming along." A disgusted face flashed as she looked at the other. "Adonis? Only you would think he's cute. Anyways it's not coming, I haven't written a word for that song. I don't wanna do it with him." "Girl, but you think Scott is cute." Putting her hand up infront of the girl, she dramatically rolled her eyes. "Don't talk about Scott. Cause we're back together..." the pale girl's eyes widened before her face faltered to a disapproving look as she picked up the martini glass that the waiter brung to their table. "Why do you always do such stupid stuff when it comes to guys?" She asked taking a sip of her drink. "Gwen!" "Don't 'gwen' me. All of your friends have said that he is trash, yet you can't see it. Move on. Maybe stay single for a while and find yourself, but stop going back to Scott. It's putting all of us through a ringer, and you deserve better." And with that, Gwen stood up putting the money to cover their bill on the table. "Think about it.." Courtney sat in the booth alone, leaving her with her thoughts.


"I'm better off without you, I'm better off being a wild one... no. used to cry bout some crazy shit before, used to feel so obligated to be so much more— no! ugh, I should've been started on this." Throwing another crumbled piece of paper towards the garbage, the singer groaned taking a sip of her water. 'Stay single for a while, and find yourself...' the words echoed in her mind as she looked out the window. "Find yourself?" Flipping to a blank sheet the singer bit her lip in focus as she began to write the new lyrics.


"Here you go, Chris." The brunette placed a disc on the man's desk as he looked up at her. "This the new song? You and Duncan finished?" "Uhh, no. That's an entirely different song, you know for my new album. See, I thought if I finished my album you could have someone else do the co-" an annoyed sigh escaped his lips as he stood up. "You thought wrong, Courtney. The collab is with you and Duncan, and the only way that will change is if I kick you off this label. Understand? I am sick and tired of you pretentious artists thinking you own my damn label. Now out, unless you have the first verse of you and Duncan's song." Grabbing the disc off his desk, Courtney hurried out before letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Well.. one more thing on my list."


Knocking on the door of the apartment, the girl sighed deeply getting ready for what she was about to do. Opening the door, revealing her the red head smiled widely. "Courtney, hey beautiful." "Hi, Scott. Can I come in?" With a small nod, he moved over to let her in before closing the door behind her. "So have you told Chris and the execs about not doing the song with Duncan?" leading her to the couch they both sat down as Courtney nodded. "Yeah, but Chris made it very clear that the collab is only going to be done by me and Duncan. I really tried though, but that's not what I came over to talk about." Raising an eyebrow at her, he leaned in closer to her. "Go on." She shortly took a breath as she looked up at him. "We have a long history. Some people have even started to call us the new Justin and Selena. We have this sort of gravitational pull on eachother, and can't seem to stay away from eachother. But.. it needs to stop. It's not healthy for either of us and it's getting repetitive." leaning closer to him, the girl kissed his cheek getting out of her seat. "Bye Scott." Getting up after her, Scott followed her to the door. Softly grabbing a hold of her hand pulling her back to him.

"This is gonna hurt me more than it does you, Courtney." "Huh?" Barley getting that out, the red head slammed her into wall as he wrapped his hands tightly around the singer's neck. "You're not going anywhere, Courtney. I love you and I know you love me. So we are staying together. Okay?" He got no response other than the girl's struggling breaths. Slowly letting go, his smile appeared again looking at the shorter girl. "Together forever, Court."

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