eight. A girl can only dream

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"Heather. How do you feel about the Bahamas?" Looking up from her phone she raised an eyebrow at him. "Perfect place. I have a villa there, it's amazing... why are you asking?" "Just wondering. I needed an opinion about it." A smirk took over the guy's face as he began to type on his computer. Returning the silence that filled the room before. Their silence didn't last long as people began to file into the room. Duncan sitting next to Alejandro making the Latino quickly close his laptop. Duncan looked at him weirdly before putting his nose into his phone. Courtney sat next to Heather, the asian smiling at her before squinting her eyes at her. "What is that?" She whispered leaning closer to her friend. "What is what?" "It's a bruise on your neck." She quickly covered it with a shrug. "I hit myself with the curling iron this morning. That's embarrassing, I didn't know it bruised." Heather laughed softly, not believing the story. "Right." The girls turned to the front of the room where Chris stood in front of the table. "Morning everyone. This meeting today was called by none of than our mediator, Alejandro. Come on up here and tell us what this meeting is about." A small smile appeared on the latino's lips as he walked over to where Chris stood. "Thank you, Chris. Good morning everyone, I was thinking last night and I decided the best and most fun relaxing way to get Courtney and Duncan to squash their differences that i should take them to a villa in the Bahamas. bonding exercises, shared rooms, and a beautiful tropical paradise to get to know eachother better." Heather quickly looked up towards the Latino a smug look on his face as the execs in the room agreed. Damn, this guy was good.

"So, it's settled. Duncan and Courtney pack your bags, you two and three friends of your choice are going to the Bahamas." A smile sat proudly on Chris's face as he walked out, The execs following him out the door. Leaving the four of them in the room alone. "So, that's why you asked about the Bahamas? To see if I liked it." A scoff came from the man's mouth as he stood up from his chair. "That is not why. Don't flatter yourself, Heather." "Oh, I don't need too. You already do." She smirked as she started to walk out the room with Courtney before Duncan piped up. "Courtney! What happened to your neck?" Her eyes widened as she quickly covered the purpleish mark on her neck. "Mind your b-" "She burned herself with her curling iron. And stay out of her business, you creep. Now, Come on Court."


"What really happened to your neck? And, before you tell me that you burned yourself again. I've burned myself before with a curling iron and the burn marks don't look like that. So I ask you again, Court. What happened to your neck, the truth." Courtney eyes widened as she packed her bags. She thought this unexpected trip to the Bahamas would help her forget about Scott, and she couldn't tell Heather he choked her. "It's nothing important." "Swear?" The two locked eyes and Courtney gave her a smile. "Swear. Now lets get ready for this trip." Heather laughed nodding. "Maybe if we block out the unwanted guys, it'll be like another girls trip." "A girl can only dream." The two laughed as they continued to pack their things into the suitcases.


Arriving to the airport with her posse in tow, Courtney walked to where Alejandro stood as he stepped away from his driver. "So we're here before that guy, huh?" Heather snickered as she looked at the Latino. "No they're right over there. Duncan! You and your friends come over here!" Courtney rolled her eyes as the other guys came over. "Okay, I'll tell you your rooming pairs now and you can sit next to your roommate on the jet. Kitty, Brody you're a pair.  Bridgette, you're with Geoff. Heather, you're with me—" "ugh.." "and of course Duncan and Courtney are together." The two both rolled their eyes. "This gonna be a long week."

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