eleven. Out of your control

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"The rules are simple. You get called on you drink and share a fact about yourself. If any one thinks you're lying you have to drink again unless anyone else can vouch that it's true the accuser has to drink. Is everyone ready?" "Well not reall-" "Great! Let's start with Bridgette." A sigh came from the blonde lips as she picked up a shot cup, throwing the liquid down her throat making a face at the taste. "Okay, I'm a Taurus. Alejandro?" The Latino smirked picking up the shot cup that sat infront of him, downing it the same as Bridgette as he looked up in thought. "Alright well, I have a bull tattoo on my back." "That is cap!" The blonde party guy argued from his seat, giving him a suspicious look before Heather cleared her throat shaking her head. "No, he does." A loud laugh came from the blonde as he grabbed the shot cup from infront of him downing it. "Waittt, Heather... how do you know about Alejandro's tattoo?" Her eyes widened slightly at her sisters question before quickly pulling herself together. "He already told me about it earlier and showed me. Anyways, who's next?" "Courtney." Looking up from her phone up at the Spaniard who called her name, she then realized it was her turn.

"Oh, sorry!" Laughing lightly, she grabbed the shot cup quickly downing it before letting out a small ahh. "Since we're on the subject of tattoo's, i'll share my count. So far I am at thirty." "Damn, girl. You really like the needle." Duncan chuckled beside her as she shrugged in response. "I do. Alright... Brody." Just as she called on the guy, her vibrating and flashing phone caught her attention as she sucked in a sharp breath. "I have to take this. Be right back." The brunette placed her cup back on the table to be refilled before walking out the room to answer the call. The rapper raised his eyebrow as he watched the girl leave, his facial expression matching the raven haired asian that sat across from him. "Hey!" The hushed whisper from her, made him turn back to see Heather pointing to where she went. "Follow her– huh? Oh, my turn." She picked up her shot cup, gesturing towards where the singer went again, before downing the liquid in the cup. "I only weigh 115 pounds, my metabolism is like way too fast for my own good." Getting up from his seat, Duncan quietly excused hisself from the group. Quickly but quietly following the singer's trail. Following the sound of her slightly hushed voice from the other room. "Noo, no. I told you, Chris told me no. We have to make the song... what's the big deal?" Flinching, Courtney moved the phone from her ear as the person on the other line began to yell. And before she could return it to her ear it was snatched from her hands.

"Duncan n-" "Listen, I don't know who this is but me and Courtney don't have a choice. Our record label is making us do this song, and if you have a problem with that you can come to me!" Hanging up with a huff, Duncan returned the phone to her. Her face written with worry. "Why the hell would you do that?!" "What's wrong? Who was it? Alright, it isn't my business. I'm sorry Courtney but they have no right to yell at you for something out of your control." And with that, the rapper returned to the living room leaving the singer alone.

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