Last Time Together?

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It had been thirty days since the cadets had joined their respective regiments, and for Y/N, being stationed as an MP in Trost wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. The beds in the MP's HQ were a lot nicer and far more comfortable that the ones at the cadets or in the Garrison barracks, and they got an actual thick blanket instead of a thin piece of cloth he had been used to for the last three years.

The set up in the HQ was also far different to what he had previously experienced, the building was a lot nicer and well kept than the other buildings in the district. MP's were given a room to share with another officer, they had their own wardrobe to keep their clothes in, they had their own bathroom with a shower instead of a communal one in the cadets.

Because he was the only one who had been assigned to Trost from the cadets that graduated this year, he was given a room to himself until another graduate showed up in a years time, or if someone died in the line of duty and they wanted to save space by moving him in with someone else.

Patrols were also strange, they were done in pairs, but because the officers in power were lazy and played cards and drank all day, it was up to the lower ranked officers to take to the streets to patrol every day, but because of the uneven numbers, there would be either one on their own, or a group of three.

Naturally Y/N volunteered to be on his own so that he didn't have to talk to others to prevent himself from getting closer to anyone he didn't need to be closer to, and because he graduated as number one in his class, the highers ups didn't seem to put too much thought into disagreeing with the idea of the number one cadet patrolling by himself, how hard could it be after all?

As it turned out, there was quite a lot of criminal activity and petty theft that occurred in Trost, not to mention all the illegal drugs that were all over the place in the criminal underworld. Y/N had quite a few run ins with these types of people in the month or so he had been an official MP officer, and while he hadn't really bothered to put too much effort into chasing them when he caught them, maybe running for a few minutes before giving up, but it was when he found two guys beating up some poor girl in an alley, then they tried to pay him off to forget about it.

He beat those two guys half to death, even if they were drugged out of their minds, he dragged their beaten and bloody bodies back to the HQ and threw them into a cell, having given the girl their money and taking her to a hospital afterwards so she could be looked at and treated for her wounds, the two guys would be lucky if they could walk straight again.

That moment reminded him of what it was like for other Eldians back home, he had never experienced it himself, but he had seem it happen, Eldians being beaten just for existing, and no matter how much he was told to forget about or to accept it, it just didn't feel right.

But the state of his homeland could wait, because it was the day before the Scouts left on their latest expedition, and had more patrolling to do, or in other words, just walk around for the whole day doing absolutely nothing unless something happens in front of you.

"Hey Y/N." He was stopped by the desk officer as he was about to leave for his patrol. "Got a girl out front who wants to see you." She informed him. "Said her name was Petra."

"Thanks." Y/N nodded, exiting the building, somewhat nervous now that Petra had decided to visit unexpectedly, and when he reached the front, there she was standing before him, wearing a long blue skirt and a white shirt, smiling widely as she noticed him.

"Hey Y/N." She greeted him with a hug and a warm smile. "How are you? How has life been with the Military Police?" She asked him.

"What are you doing here Petra?" Y/N asked her a question. "You do realise that I'm on duty right?"

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