part 2 - dreams

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Uma huffed, lifting a heap of trays in her arms, grunting from exertion as she carried them back to the kitchen. She rolled her eyes as she passed by the tv, the "royal cotillion" planners were on screen again.

It was unfair, they were born lucky with all the clothes and food they waned, while the people of the isle were lucky to be born, scrounging for scraps of food and sewing Auradons scrapes of clothes together to just wear something at night.

She tossed the trays into the sink, wiping her hands on her apron. "go ahead and get some sleep Uma, ill clean up" cook offered, gently pushing Uma out of the kitchen.

"you sure I can-" cook shook her head, shoving her out and closing the kitchen door.

"im sure, tomorrow is your only day off, so get your rest" Uma nodded, undoing her apron and tossing it on her chair.

"Alright, see you Monday"

"see ya"

Uma's eyes caught the tv again, the 2nd daughter of Aurora on screen again, Uma's eye twitched at the bright and oh so happy princess.

"shes probably spoiled rotten without care for anyone else" Uma muttered, hitting the power button and shutting the tv off. "when I get out of here, they'll be the ones serving gruel.


Harry twitched in his sleep, kicking his blanket off. He was surrounded by blankets and blankets of green plants "grass" he thinks its called.

A soft bell-like laugh came from beside him, he whipped his head around, spotting the girl he had been meeting in his dreams since he was 15.

"hi~" she chimed, flattening out her sundress and smiling at him.

"hey," he sighed, laying back on the grass he couldn't feel "hows yer day been lass?"

"stressful, I've been planning for –muffled– for the last two months," she sighed, making harry frown.

"that sucks" he muttered, reaching out and playing with a loose thread on her denim jacket "didn't yeh say yer friends helpin' yeh?"

"Yeah but she's busy with the other half and im helping –muffled– with making outfits for the event and –muffled– keeps bothering me about my sister and it's just a lot" she sighed again and looks down at him smiling, the light obscuring her face other than her lips. "so how have you been?"

"ugh" harry groaned, rubbing his face "bad, my dad's been havin' me work double shifts an' all that's on tv now is that cotillion trash"

He knew the girl couldn't hear exactly what he said, as for some reason, anything that could allude to something that could find the other was muffled.

All they knew about each other was their age, gender, and favorite color. Yet the bond was growing between them every visit.

It had started back when Harry turned 15, one night waking up to a girl in a soft blue dress staring bewildered at him, her lips conveying her surprise.

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