Part 11 - resolve

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You felt a few tears slip down our cheeks as you stared up at the white sterile ceiling, you attempted to sit up but cried out as your chest flared in pain.

"Harry" you sobbed, covering your mouth and letting it all out, hiccuping and tears starting to soak your pillow

"(y/n)-(y/n) you're awake!" your sister's voice interrupted your little pity party, rushing to your side and cupping your face "(y/n)-wait what's wrong!? Is it your wound, ill get-"

"no-no" you sniffed, whipping your cheeks and shaking your head. "I just....i found him and-" you sobbed, unable to finish your sentence.

Audrey shushed you and wiped some more tears off your face "you mean dream boy? You found him?" you nodded.

"yeah, on the isle" a hiccup ripped from your throat, Audreys shoulders slumped and she did her best to hug you without hurting you.

"oh (nickname)" she cooed "im sorry" you shook your head and curled into her side, ignoring the pain in your chest.


"So what's his name" almost an hour later, you had finally calmed down enough to talk normally. So now Audrey sat at your side and munched on some chips, letting you talk about your experience on the isle.

"his name is Harry and....hes the son of captain hook?" you winced, expecting Audrey to freak, but to your surprise, she smiled.

"oh! At least you know he can shove a sword up anybody's butt if they mess with you" she chirped.

You frowned, glaring at her suspiciously "ya know, I thought you would be more....advert to an isle kid being dream boy"

"well," she sighed "there's a difference, the universe chose Harry for you, so it means that you're meant for each other, I can't do anything about it" you gave her a soft smile.

"thanks Aud" she grinned and kissed your forehead.

"no prob, I got your back"

"and I got yours"


It took you two months to fully heal from the gunshot wound, you were unable to do much else other than convincing Ben to continue the sending of proper supplies to the isle.

Thankfully with his own experience on the isle, and your further explanation of what happened there, he appointed you in charge of isle affairs.

It was stressful but worth it, being able to know EXACTLY what was being sent to the isle. Things like rotten food and old grody trash had been rerouted to an actual trash site.

You were also campaigning for the next group of vks to be brought over, but the council was being stubborn and ignorant against the children of villains.

Your grandmother being one of them, she hardly believed you when you said you found dream boy on the isle, refusing to listen to your sister or parents who defended Harry when she insulted the fact that a vk wasn't "good enough" for you.

She was pushing for an arranged marriage with Ariel's and Erics son, which you ranted about to Audrey....and Harry.

"shes just...ARUGH! Shes being delusional about you, saying that "you're dangerous" and "you'll corrupt our kingdom" Harry snorted, picking at the dream grass below him.

"she sounds like a nutter" he chuckled, reaching out and grabbing your hand, tugging you into his lap.

"she is" you groaned, leaning on his shoulder and pouting "shes one of the most controlling people in my life, and because she didn't get to raise my mom she feels like she has the authority to raise me and Aud completely! Like-she doesn't allow my mom and dad to parent us, when Audrey and I would get into trouble as kids, or anything else, and they would try to talk to us about it or discipline us, she would yell at them and crap" harry hummed, rubbing your back and letting you rant.

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