Chapter 1 - Who Are You

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Slowly opening my eyes, I see sunlight peeking in from my room. Turning over on my back, I look at the tall ceiling above me and let out a long sigh. Remembering my dream, I cover my eyes with my forearm.

"Who are you..." I mutter to myself. I soon hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I say. Without uncovering my eyes, I hear the door open and footsteps walking over to me, instantly knowing who's in my room.

"Hurry and get dressed, you have kingly errands to run" I hear his voice. Sighing again, I covered my eyes a bit and looking at my pale, freckled, and white haired friend.

"Do I have to?" I whined. He looks at me with annoyed eyes before he rolled them.

"Yes you do, it was your idea to be king. So hurry up and get dressed, you have royal duties to attend to." Without another word, he turned on his heels and exited out of my room. Letting my hand, that was covering my eyes, fall to the bed, I let out another sigh before getting up. Stretching a bit, I get out of bed and get ready.

I look at myself in the mirror as I put my turban on for my daily outfit. Putting my hands on my waist I grin at myself. The sunlight hit my body while my long purple hair shone in the light.

"Stop checking yourself out and hurry up!" a voice said. Looking over, I grinned at my right-hand man.

"Coming coming" I say chuckling. I start to walk towards him as he shot me a small glare before walking out. I quickly caught up to him, walking by his side. "Anything new?" I questioned.



I sighed quietly while Ja'far was speaking to us about the trades between the different kingdoms we made an alliance with. Listening to what he had to say, my mind wandered off a bit. Back to the dream that I had last night.

I was on the Sindria trade boat. I looked around my surroundings, seeing that we had just docked the ship at some sort of new country.

"Hey, Sin!" A voice said. Turning my head to the voice calling my name, I saw Ja'far, but younger. "Come on let's get going! We have to go meet the king and talk about making trade with him!" He exclaimed.

"Which king?" I questioned. My voice sounded different, it sounded more younger, not as deep. I was probably in my teenage years during this time.

"Ha ha very funny" Ja'far said sarcastically. He huffed in annoyance "Hurry up, we can't be late!" He said. He started to quickly leave the ship making me quickly follow behind him.

"Hey wait up you guys!" I heard a voice that I have not heard in a long time. Stopping in my tracks, I turn my head and see a nostalgic red head. He smiled at me, jogging his way towards me. "Thanks for waiting for me Sin!" He continues to smile at me as my chest tightens. I nod, trying not to grimace and smile at him.

"No problem, Mystras. Let's get going before Ja'far tells at us" I say, he nods quickly and tried to catch up to Ja'far.


We were now in front of a castle. It was very elegant. It was made up of white bricks with the roof tops having a gold color to it, complimenting the white. There were a few guards walking around, they had the colors of this kingdom. One of the guards escorted us inside and to the throne room. There was a king and queen sitting on two separate thrones. Going on one knee and putting a hand on our hearts, we lowered our head in respect. We started to talk about the trading company, and everytime the name of the kingdom was spoken, I wasn't able to hear it.

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