Chapter 14 - An Apology

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Princess Kougyoku sighed as she looked at the scene before her. She had to head back to her Empire since she was only visiting Sindria. She would stay longer but, she had some other business to attend to, personal business that is. As she watched the ship getting closer to the docks of her empire. She made her way over as the ship crew set the walk board down to connect the ship and docks as she made her way to her kingdom, greeting the villagers.

Making it to her home, she was greeted by servants who she only greeted back. She was told of the news about what was happening around the kingdom while she was gone. She was stuck all day doing nothing but duties of an Empress. During the whole day her mind wandered off to a certain woman who she could not compare to anyone, even herself. It was N/n. She sighed to herself, knowing that she has somehow seen her face before. The day slowly came to the end as the Empress was able to have some time for herself and decided to do some digging. Heading to the library she looked through a few books but found nothing. Sighing quietly to herself, she was about to give up before an idea popped to her head.

She started to make her way to a room, that was filled with nothing but stuff from the past involving her kingdom. She walked around the dusty room, as there were some paintings and scrolls, until she came upon one that was covered with a white sheet. Hesitantly, she pulled off the sheet, only to reveal another painting. She looked at it, before widening her eyes as she saw a face that she has seen multiple times already. Soon, images and memories started to flood back to her.

Princess Kougyoku was in the garden, picking flowers. She smiled, satisfied with the small bouquet she made herself. She quickly made her way to show it off to a certain black haired male as she greeted the servants as she walked past them. She soon saw him, making her eyes light up.

"Hey! Judar look what I made!" She said, her tiny voice yelled out, making the black haired male look over at her with bored eyes.

"They're just flowers" his child voice said.

"Yeah but look how pretty they are!" She exclaimed with a wide smile.

"Prettier than you" he teased which angered the young princess.

"You take that back!!" She yelled about to hit him as he only floated into the air, causing the princess to fall forwards onto her knees and hands.

"You missed~" he sang out, making the princess more angry.

"No fair!! You're using magic!!!" She exclaimed making him shrug.

"There aren't any rules that say I can't" he replied back, making her puff out her cheeks and start to pout.

"Come on, I heard something interesting from the servants" he said as he softly landed back down on the ground and started to walk, the princess quickly got up and dusted herself off before catching up to him.

"What did you hear?" She questioned the boy

"Something about making an alliance through marriage." He said, not bothering to look at her, keeping a bored expression.

"Who's getting married?" The girl questioned, curiosity sparking in her eyes.

"Prince Kouen. He's marrying a princess from a small kingdom called Artevia. I heard they can understand and talk to animals." He replied.

"Wow, that's so cool" she said with a smile.

The two children soon made it to the throne room. There, Prince Kouen was there with the king of the kingdom, King Koutoko Ren.

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