Chapter 11 - Distance

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As N/n watched Kougoyoku and Alibaba leave, she sighed quietly, looking over at her friend.

"I don't think she likes me" she said quietly, the tiger chuffed making her groan. "Don't remind me" she started to walk, Napolious right by her side. Soon she was pulled from the side, making her surprised. "Hey-!" Her mouth was covered as she was then hushed as Napolious growled lowly.

"Calm down! It's just me!" Ja'far said. N/n looked at him weirdly as Napolious stopped growling. He took his hand away from her mouth.

"You didn't have to do it like I was getting kidnapped you know. You could've just come up to me and talked"

"Right..Anyways! You need to be careful now"

"What for?" She questioned, obviously confused.

"Sinbad was asking questions about Artevia, so you need to be careful. You're becoming reckless."

"I should be fine though, no? Artevia isn't known because my country was small. They haven't written books about us yet, and the books that were about us were in our library, but it all burned down" N/n said. A hint of sadness in her voice.

"He knows your actual name" Ja'far said sternly. This caught the attention of the used to be princess as she bit of her lower lip a bit.

"How?" She questioned

"He asked Yamraiha, I guess she knew your name" he said.

"Shit..." she muttered under her breath, running a hand through her hair.

"But wouldn't it be better if he found out you were alive?" Ja'far questioned with furrowed brows.

"No Ja'far, it wouldn't. You knew how much he loved me. If he found out that I died all those years ago, who knows what would happen. Even worse, if you hadn't followed my directions and he knew about my death beforehand, who knows what he would've done. He was more reckless back then, sometimes acting without thinking..." she smiled to herself, hugging herself for comfort.

"That is true..."

"And telling him now, he's obviously going to get mad that his memory got erased of me and he never got to pay for those who killed me. But it's too late anyways, you guys formed an alliance with the Kou Empire, didn't you?" She said, slightly looking up at Ja'far.

"Yeah..we did." He said softly. She let out a small chuckle.

"So, I think it's better if it's like this" she said softly, barely even audible.

"I think its absurd for you to think that way, but if you want to keep your distance with him, I'll respect your wishes and not try to pressure you"

"Thank you Ja'far. I think me and Napolious are going to take a small walk now.." she said with a smile. Ja'far nodded as N/n started to walk, Napolious following her.

After the talk between the princess and Ja'far, N/n started to become more distant with Sinbad, saying hi to him every now and then to try and not seem suspicious. But N/n's strategy didn't work on the king, for he noticed the distance between them only to make him more suspicious of who she really is. He started to spend more of his time in the library, trying to find bits and pieces about Artevia, even some more information from the destroyed kingdom from his general, Yamraiha.

"Find anything?" Yamraiha questioned which made Sinbad shake his head.

"No, nothing." He said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. The king couldn't focus very well because someone was avoiding him. Lately he's been having less dreams about the princess, and his mind has been wandering off to a woman of his interest. "I think I'm done for the day.." Sinbad muttered.

"Alright, take care then" Yamraiha said as she watched her king leave the library.

Sinbad walked around the halls of his kingdom, trying to lower his stress levels. He hasn't been getting sleep lately because of his constant reading for information about Artevia. He was so close to just stop looking and give up on trying to find out what the princess looks like. Besides, his mind has been wandering off to other things besides the princess now. Maybe it would be better if he should just move on. He sighed to himself as he stopped in front of a view of the ocean. Breathing in the salty air, he closed his eyes to calm his mind and sort things out.

"King Sinbad" a voice said. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked over and saw the princess of the Kou Empire. He gave her a smile before turning his body to face her, leaning against the marble railing.

"Princess Kougyoku. It's nice to see you"

"It is nice to see you too" she said with a smile.

"What brings you here?" He questioned.

"Just taking a small stroll before meeting up with someone."

"If I may ask, who is this someone?" He questioned, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

"It is N/n. We plan on having a small talk about a certain affair."

"I see.."

"Hey, Kougyoku!" There was another voice. Both the king and princess turned their heads to the direction of the voice before seeing the h/c haired woman with her tiger. She soon noticed the king, making her give him a soft smile. "Hello to you too your majesty" the woman walked over to the two, bowing a bit. "Hope I'm not intruding on anything important."

"You aren't" the king said, smiling at the woman that interested him.

"That's good. Shall we get going then princess?" She looked over at the princess with a warm smile.

"Yes, we shall." She said.

"If you don't mind first" the king said. "I'd like to have a small talk with N/n before you two leave"

"If that's fine with the princess" N/n said, glancing at the princess. The princess hesitantly nodded.

"That's fine, just don't keep her for too long"

"Of course" Sinbad said with a smile as he walked a few feet away from the princess so she was out of earshot as N/n followed him. The princess watched them, nervousness building up in her system as butterflies started to take over in her stomach, wondering what the two were talking about. While with the king and N/n, it was a bit of a serious talk.

"I've noticed you seemed to be avoiding me again" the king said.

"Have I?" N/n questioned, acting a bit dumb.

"You have. And I hope I'm not prying but, is there a reason why? Did I do something wrong?" He questioned. She shook her head.

"Of course not. I've just been busy with exploring the kingdom is all. You're not the only one to hang out around this kingdom" she said with a smile, making him chuckle.

"You make your point." The king said before bowing a bit. "My apologies then"

"No need, it was just a misunderstanding after all"

"May I see you later then?" He questioned.

"Maybe, my schedule is a bit busy, but maybe I'll make time for you" she said with a smile.

"I'll meet you later I'd possible then" he said, about to take her hand before the tiger growled at his attempt. The king stopped, making N/n chuckle as the king pulled his hand away making the tiger stop growling. "Have a good day then" he said.

"Yes, of course" she said smiling back. The king about to leave he quickly took N/n's hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles before quickly leaving, not wanting his head bitten off. Hearing a small laugh behind him, he smiled to himself, hearing her beautiful laugh. N/n made her way back to the princess with a smile. "Shall we get going princess?" M/n questioned.

"Yes." She said, glancing at the woman and then at the king who was walking away from them before she looked back at her rival before her, giving her a smile. "We shall"

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