Chapter 9 - Answers

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I sigh to myself as I look at all the paperwork that I have to do. Setting the quill back in the small container of ink, I move the paper that I was working on to the side. I get up from my chair and leave the room, hoping that my advisor won't find me. I walk around aimlessly through the halls, smiling at passing servants.

As I continue to walk down the corridors, my mind wanders off to a certain princess, one that is probably dead and has no kingdom. Your voice echoes through my mind, and after last night, I remember your beautiful e/c eyes. I remember your h/c hair flow in the wind. I smile to myself, remembering the kiss from the flashback. Unknowingly, I start to miss you being in my arms. My mind then wanders off to our mysterious guest that's staying over.

She reminds me of the princess in a way. A reincarnation maybe? I can't be so sure though. I still don't have a clear vision on what you look like, but I promise to figure out what you look like. And if somehow, somewhere, you're still alive, I won't break my promise, I will make you my queen like I promised all those years ago. An idea soon came to my mind, maybe I can figure out what you look like. I started to quickly walk down more hallways, looking for my general that uses magic, Yamraiha.

After a few minutes, I managed to find her in the library, she seemed to be reading some books about magic. Her attention was averted to me as she smiled.

"Sin, what brings you here?" She questioned.

"Are there any books about Artevia?" I questioned.

"Maybe?" She said, getting up from her chair and going to a bookshelf, I followed her. She looked through the books in the A section. "I don't know actually..." she muttered quietly.

"What about you? Do you have any information yourself?" I questioned her.

"Only a little bit" she said.

"Can you tell me?" I asked her.

"I only know the basics though" she said.

"That's fine"

"If you say so" she said. She let out a sigh as she turned around and looked up at me. "Artevia was a small country, but they were known for their exotic animals and their gift for talking to animals."

"Kind of like what Artemyra does?" I questioned, she only shook her head.

"Artevia didn't use any instruments of the sort to communicate with the animals. Just plainly talking to them" she said "Supposedly, the founder of Artevia rescued an animal from being hunted and slaughtered. Turned out, the animal was a divine creature and blessed the founder to be able to talk to animals as well as their people since the divine creature was forever in their debt for saving them. That's the story behind the Artevians and their unique quality for being able to talk to animals" she said.

"Interesting..." I muttered.

"Right?" She smiled at me before continuing. "Because Artevia took such good care of the animals, the animals in return helped the kingdom with any chores that needed help to be done.

"What about royal family?" I questioned.

"A king, queen, and their only daughter" she responded.

"Are there any pictures of the daughter?" I questioned. She shook her head.

"None, I only know of her name" my eyes lit up, hearing her reponse.

"What's her name?" I asked eagerly. Yamraiha chuckled at my eagerness.

"Y/n, Princess Y/n of Artevia. She was known for being respected by both people and animals. But sadly, she died during the attack of the Kou Empire, as well as her parents and kingdom." She said. Soon, I saw a small flashback.

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