Chapter 15 - Friendship

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Fire. The first thing she remembers when thinking about the thing she loved most. She watched as people tried to escape, none of the soldiers giving them any mercy and slaughtering them all with no hesitance. She watched in horror, unable to do anything from being in the grasps of two soldiers, and a man she despised with her whole life.

"Why? Why do this?" She questioned. He only looked at her with a stoic face.

"Because you chose not to agree to this marriage which makes up an alliance with the Kou Empire. And remember, this is not my doing for the destruction of your kingdom, it is yours." He walked over to her, grasping her chin roughly so she could look at him.

"Kouen Ren, I swear on my life I will have revenge. And when I do, I will make sure you feel the exact same pain as you have done to my people" she seethed out. Her eyes full of hatred for the man, he only chuckled, a smirk forming in his lips.

"And how will you do that, if you're already dead?" He questioned. Before she could let out another word, she felt a sharp pain in her mid-section. Looking down, she saw that a spear had pierced her body. The soldiers threw her a bit, causing the princess to fall to the ground, no energy to get up. Slowly, she looked at the man towering over her. "At least you'll be able to join your people now" he said. He started to walk away. "Come, let's leave this kingdom be. And before we leave, burn this whole island.

Slowly, the princess started to lose conscious before something nudged her. Looking over weakly, she saw her friend. She smiled weakly as Napolious helped her sit up as she winced, clutching her wound. He chuffed, worried and started to nudge her to move.

"Napolious.." She said softly. The tiger didn't listen to her and continued to try and make her stand my. "Napolious, please. It's no use" she said. The tiger slowly stopped, whimpering. She smiled softly, letting the tiger with one hand. "Get as far away from here as you can." She said. The tiger only chuffed sadly, stubbornly laying down and resting his head on her lap. "You still have so many years to live, yet you rather stay here and risk your life for me" she said weakly making the tiger chuff again. She chuckled softly. "Silly..." Slowly , she started to lose consciousness, until all she could see was darkness.

"That..that's horrible!" Kougyoku exclaimed. Y/n chuckled softly, smiling at her as she was petting her friend.

"Indeed. But, after blacking out I found myself alive the next day with a letter in hand. It was from my magi."

"What did they say?"

"That they owed their life to my father. A free he saved them they were forever in his debt. So when they found me dead, I guess they traded their life for mine, so I could become a magic and continue my life. Said I still had so much to learn and that my life was just beginning, and that...They knew, my parents wanted this for me. I still find it hard for me to believe. Like, why me? Out of anyone from Artevia, why must you choose me to keep living. There were those who also had a life still ahead of them. So, I guess I feel guilty..." Y/n smiled sadly.

"But you shouldn't!" Kougyoku exclaimed, making Y/n look at her with surprise with the sudden outburst. "Your magi chose you to keep living. Not only for yourself but for your parents and for your people. Don't be so selfish! Your magi chose you so the people who couldn't see the world could see it now! Through your eyes! You're not alone! The king and queen are with you. Your servants are with you! The animals and people of your kingdom are with you!" The princess exclaimed before smiling . "You just don't see them".

Y/n looked at her in total shock. "I.." She didn't know what to say, she was speechless. Tears started to slowly go down her cheeks, making the princess panic.

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