Chapter 12 - Lies

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The two princesses, plus the tiger, were taking a small stroll around the bustling town.

"You wanted to talk to me princess?" N/n questioned.

"Yes, I did" she said. "Even though we are rivals, I would like to be acquainted with you and maybe become friends" she said.

"Wait really?" N/n said with a smile.

"Yes really"

"Thank goodness!" N/n exclaimed before she went in front of the princess and clasped her hands with hers. "I thought for sure you hated me!" She said before she gave her a relieved smile. "I'm glad that we can be friends" she said before glancing around for others before looking at the princess "I also don't like the king in that way. Just thought about teasing you" she said with a smile.

"Are you serious!?" She exclaimed making N/n nod.

"Mhm!" She hummed. The princess let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought for sure we had to fight since you liked him"

"I mean, we can still fight, if you're up for it" N/n said with a sly smile, the princess soon smirked.

"You're on" she said.


The two princesses were at the dueling grounds, as they were getting ready.

"This should be fun" the princess said with a smile.

"I hope to not disappoint you" N/n said with a smile.

"I saw your fight with King Sinbad, so I can say that you won't disappoint me"

"You won't get mad at me if I grab a friend like last time, will you?" N/n questioned in a teasing way. The princess became flustered as she covered her face with her sleeve.

"O-of course not! Just warn me if your going to!"

"I promise" N/n said with a smile. "Shall we start the battle then?" She questioned which made the princess of the Kou Empire go back to her normal self as she smirked.

"Prepare to lose"

"We'll see about that"

"Dwell in my body, Vinea!" The princess said as she took out her hair pin, thrusting it into the air as she transformed.

"Ready when you are princess."

"I'm always ready"

"Wait!!!" A voice interrupted them, making the two princesses turn their heads towards the voice, only to see Alibaba. "You guys shouldn't spar!" He said.

"Why not?" Kougyoku questioned, looking at her Male friend.

"Because the same thing might happen like last time! Don't you remember?" He questioned the princess. N/n looked back and forth between Alibaba and Kougyoku, confused on what they were talking about while the princess knew very well what he meant. "Be reasonable here! If King Sinbad isn't here to stop you from going all put, who knows what you'll do!" He said. The princess stayed quiet, before unequipping her djinn.

"I guess you're right..." she muttered. She looked over at N/n, giving her an apologetic smile. "I apologize for having to stop our spar. I would like to wait til I can control my djinn a bit better before we fight, is that okay?" She questioned. N/n smiled at her, nodding.

"I understand. I'll be waiting for that fight then" N/n said. Kougyoku smiled, glad that N/n understood without prying into why she needed time. "Shall we spend time talking instead then?" N/n questioned.

"We shall" the princess said with a smile.

With that, the two princesses continued on their day with getting to know each other more. Asking each other questions and answering them.

"Really? You're twenty-seven??" The pink haired female said in disbelief, looking at her new friend. "You look so much younger though" it only made N/n chuckle.

"Thank you for the compliment, it runs in my mother's side of the family to seem younger than they actually are. Though, my face has matured more if you saw me when I was little."

"What was your childhood like?" The princess questioned.

"Ah well..." N/n stayed quiet, thinking about which word choices to use. "I didn't remember much from my childhood. My parents died when I was little, beforehand, they asked an old friend who works at an orphanage to take good care of me, and they kept their promise. So I pretty much lived my whole life in an orphanage" N/n said with a smile. Kougyoku nodded sadly.

"I apologize if I brought up any bad memories for you" the princess said. But the woman before her shook her head.

"No worries. It is all in the past anyways" N/n said with a soft smile while looking up at the sky. The princess looked at her and nodded slowly, not taking her word, for her eyes said something entirely different from what she said.

"I have another question" the princess started. N/n hummed in response for her to go on. "Back on the night of Maharagaan. Is it true that he fell for you before?" She questioned. N/n stayed quiet, seeming to be in deep thought.

"No" she said after thinking for a long while "I was only bluffing just to tease you" she said, before looking at the princess giving her a smile.

'Lies...' the princess thought. 'Its all over your face that he did, and the same goes for you.' She only nodded with a smile. "I see, well, I'm relieved to hear that" the princess said, lying herself. "If you don't mind me asking, what country did you live in?" She questioned

"That...I don't remember" N/n said with a sheepish smile.

'More lies..." the princess thought. 'Why lie about who you are? What are you hiding?' The princess thought, before nodding at her response. "I see..." she said quietly.

"My apologies, it was just so long ago that I don't remember much from my childhood"

"No need to apologize" the princess said with a smile. "I'm sure some of us don't remember much when we were children"

"Of course" N/n said with a smile. "Why not tell me about your childhood, princess?"

"Gladly" she said with a smile.

The two princesses continued their talk before N/n had to leave to meet with someone else. Saying their goodbyes, Princess Kougyoku watched as her new friend started to walk in a different direction, her tiger following her. She sighed quietly, before getting a small flashback. Her eyes widened a bit.

"Could it be..." she muttered

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