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y/n: "Higher!"

[SOOBIN pushes Y/N on swing]

soobin: "You look like you're flying."

y/n: "I am. It feels like I am."

soobin: (laughs) "You're crazy."

y/n: "Thank you."

soobin: "So, have any more dreams about my k-pop career?"

y/n: "W-what?"

soobin: "I'm kidding."

y/n: "Oh. Right."

soobin: "I don't even know if I could ever become a k-pop idol. It's brutal training, I've heard."

y/n: "I know."

soobin: "What do you think? Could I rock the dyed hair?"

y/n: "Definitely. And the clothes, too. You'd be dipped in the best fashion."

soobin: "A walking Gucci doll."

y/n: "A talented walking Gucci doll."

soobin: "Why, thank you."

y/n: "But it's not all about the glamour."

soobin: "I know."


soobin: "Would you forget about me?"

y/n: "What do you mean?"

soobin: "If I actually made it into the industry... would you forget about me?"

y/n: "How could I forget about you?" (smiles) "You're my boyfriend."

soobin: "Good answer."

y/n: (laughs)

soobin: "I wouldn't forget about you, either. Never."

y/n: "Good, because that would suck. But... I mean, we live in the 21st century. There's Facetime."

soobin: "And texting."

y/n: "And Snapchat."

soobin: "Endless possibilities."

y/n: "Precisely."

soobin: "You know, I'm glad you had that dream about me, even though you acted like you had severe amnesia afterwards. Everything feels different now."

y/n: "Different how?"

soobin: "Like maybe there's more that I can do with my life than I thought. Not that I was bored with the way it was, but now it seems like I can do what I'm scared of. Because of you."

y/n: "Not just because of me..."

soobin: "But it started because of you. You made me think about singing again."

y/n: "You have such a great voice. It was inevitable that you would get back in touch with it."

soobin: "I hope the music that I make makes people happy."

y/n: "It will. Trust me."

soobin: "You're so certain."

y/n: "Of course I am. I know... I mean, I can feel it. It's just a really strong hunch that your music is going to make thousands of people happy. It's going to mean something."


soobin: "I'm going to miss this the most."

y/n: "Pushing me on a swing?"

soobin: "That, and just... this. Us."

y/n: "Soobin..."

soobin: "It's almost enough to make me not want to do this."

y/n: "Don't say that."

soobin: "Why not?"

y/n: Because this isn't real at all. Because you belong with TXT. You're going to meet BTS and you're going to win awards and you're going to be a leader. You're supposed to be seeing the world and recording in studios. 

y/n: "Just don't. It's not good to say things like that out loud. It'll ruin your manifestation."

soobin: (snorts) "My manifestation?"

y/n: "Of your dream. You need to be saying positive things out loud, with confidence."

soobin: "Like what?"

y/n: "Hm... like, 'I want to be a singer.'"

soobin: (clears throat) "I want to be a singer."

y/n: "Say it like you mean it."

soobin: "I want to be a singer."

y/n: "Better."

soobin: "What about you?"

y/n: "What about me?"

soobin: "What do you want to manifest?"

y/n: "I'm not sure yet."

soobin: "Well, think about it. You need to manifest your goals too."

y/n: I just want you to be happy. To be where you're supposed to be, even if it's not here with me. 

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