《Chapter 2- Sick》

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After exchanging numbers, Clay got in his house by using the window. His parents weren't home, but his sister was asleep on the couch, as usual, so this was a lot safer. He crushed in his bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about the fact that he maybe made more friends today. This made him happy, knowing that people found him an interesting person, and not just because he was the 'popular' kid. His phone blinked, sign that he got a message, on the screen was Sap's name that sent a photo with him and George under it being the message "He's angry that i took this picture". Clay chuckled, the boy was pretty flustered when the photo was taken. They talked for half an hour until a message popped up on Clay's screen. 'Georrrge' the name was showing, with a hi after it. Clay smiled, texting him a "Hello" back.


After Clay didn't responded to Sapnap anymore, he turned his glance to George, who was resting his head on Sapnap's shoulder, looking at his phone with a small smile. On a closer look in George's phone he saw Clay's name on top of the screen.

"Did you just stole my friend?" Sapnap dramatically said, turning the TV on, with a pout on his face.

"W-what? No. You told me to text him-" George, annoyed, looked up at Sapnap.

Sapnap just giggled making himself comfortable on the couch, a hand around George's shoulders , watching the movie that was currently on the screen.

"You're such an idiot" George smiled rolling his eyes. "He is an interesting person, you know? He was paying attention at the people in the tribune and saw me there everyday."

"That's sweet. If that wasn't the case you wouldn't have liked him" Sapnap teased his friend.

"Did i ever told you that he's the first guy I like?" George whispered

"George- we're friends from 1st grade.... of course I know this stuff. You were so clingy on me.... mmm, you still are, but not that bad. It's like I'm the older one out of us two, but that's fine, i always wanted another brother." Sapnap smiled looking down to see George's eyes sparkling.

"Says the one that has his hand around me." George rolled his eyes playfully.

"Hey, I know you like it." Sapnap defended himself.

This was the 15th pajama party they had this month, but neither of them minded, being comfortable with each other enough to sleep together. George's parents were actually happy George was getting along with someone despite the age gap between him and everyone else in his classes. Of course they made their homework before going to bed everyday, George was a nerd so even if Nick wanted to go to sleep without doing them George will drag him to do it.


The next day, George and Sapnap were waiting for Clay to get to school. When George spotted the boy, he saw a girl that the boy had his hand locked with, she was almost his height, long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and was wearing one of Clay's hoodies. He turned to Sapnap sighing, but before the dark haired boy could say something the others where already next to them.

"Oh! Hello George, hello Sapnap!" Clay said another boy stopping next to him, a big smile on his face.

"Morning!" George smiled.

"Sup." Sapnap took his eyes out of his phone "Oo, who are they?"

"Ah! Right, you guys don't know them. This is Darryl, my friend, and this is my little sister, Evelyn." Clay said, introducing the two.

"Nice to meet you guys!" George and Sapnap smiled shaking hands with the boy and waiving at the girl.

"Evelyn, Darryl, this is George, he's a nerd, and the other one is Nick or Sapnap he's a chill dude. I know them from yesterday and they are cool people." Clay chuckled as he saw George rolling his eyes.

"You can call me Bad if you want, it's one of my nicknames that i like." Darryl uhh... well Bad smiled.

Evelyn looked at another boy approaching Sapnap and hugging his hand.

"Oh, hello Tubbo, I forgot to tell you I slept at George again." Sapnap ruffled Tubbo's hair, making the boy smile wide. "This is my brother." Sapnap explained.

George knew Sapnap's brother like it was his brother as well. Tubbo was only 14 years old, but he was really opened when talking with people. Maybe Evelyn and Tubbo could get along well.


George was doodling random flowers in English class. It was a lesson he knew, so whatever questions the teacher was gonna ask him because she was going to think he isn't paying attention, he will know. He zoned out for a hot minute, until Sapnap snapped him out of it.

"Bro, you're starring at him again. You're so obvious I swear." Sapnap whispered, watching Clay's ears showing a little bit of blush on them.

"No I wasn't- shut up..." George said looking away his face going pink.

Sapnap chuckled, watching both of them being embarrassed, well maybe Clay was just uncomfortable with having people look at him. His phone opened and showed a message from Clay.

'I know I'm hot and all, like did you saw the amount of girls that come on the hallway after me, trying to be my girlfriends? I had boys coming at me as well. Tell George that this is a competition if he wants my ass ;)'

Sapnap giggled telling him he's zoning out when he thinks too much, so George might have zone out thinking about what he will want to eat at lunch or what he will do when he goes home.

"So uh, Clay, do you wanna come hang out with us at lunch?" Sapnap asked the boy after class.

"I have stuff to do, sorry. Our coach needs us right now. Maybe next week i have free time to eat with you guys." Clay closing his locker and sprinted to the football field.

"Uhhh, ok then-" Sapnap whispered going to find George.


After 1 month of talking, joking and just spending time with eatch other, Clay, George and Sapnap got really close. Sometimes Clay was calling them to sleep at his house. George's feelings got even stronger when Clay started hugging him and Sap in the mornings. He wasn't that obvious anymore, but deep down he knew that Clay was one of the reasons he was smiling everyday.

"George!" Clay said, taking George's attention.


"We will have our first big match before Summer vacation. I'm so excited. Oh by the way, you know anything about Sapnap?" Clay said, concerned for their friend.

"Oh, that's amazing. Tubbo got sick and Nick is the only one who can take care of him at the moment." George said looking absent at his food.

"Let's go to them after school." Clay exclaimed, smiling excited.

"Sure, why not?" George smiled back.


George and Clay were walking to Sapnap's house with sweets and boxes of instant soup. George took the key from his neck and opened the door, seeing Sap on the couch watching some animated movie on the TV.

"Hello? Oh George, Clay! Hi." Nick smiled watching them put the things on the counter "Don't make that much noise when you're upstairs, Tubbo is sleeping." 


Hello hello. Yes I did rewrite some of this chapter as well. :) 

Summer (Gream/Dreamnotfound)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang