《Chapter 12~ Kiss》

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Morning was a really hard part of the day for George. Especially when he wakes up at 4 am due to a nightmare. He shot his eyes open as well as standing up in the bed, hyperventilating. Clay opened his eyes, sleepy. He stood up putting a hand on George's back, rubbing small circles, he mumbled a small "Come here" and opened his eyes, the boy leaning back on his back, Clay's arm wrapping around him protective.

"What happened?" Clay whispered, still rubbing circles on the other boy's back.
"... Night" he took a deep breath "Nightmare." George continued starting to calm down.
"Mmmh..." Clay mumbled silently.

The dirty blonde haired boy stood slightly up, putting one of his hands on George's face, rubbing his cheek and the tears that were still on his face. He sighed, slowly leaning in and kissing George's forehead, going down to his temple and his cheek. Making George close his eyes and take another small breath, concentrating on Clay's warmth.

"Are you ok now?" Clay whispered, burying his face in George's neck.
"Yeah.... I think." George smelled the, now faint, lemon scent from Clay.
"Go back to sleep, tomorrow we have a big day." Clay said muffled, his lips touching George's neck while speaking, making the boy shiver a little bit.

But he fell asleep again. Finding himself comfortable in the bed, with Clay curled up next to him.


"Come on George! We're almost there!" Sapnap said enthusiastically.
"I don't even know where we are going. You only put some stuff of yours in the bag and then dragged me out of the house." George whined, Sapnap was still dragging him because he wasn't fully awake yet.

Karl was with them, laughing at whatever Clay was telling him, the boys having bright smiles on their faces. George sighed, closing his eyes sleepy.

"GEORGE!" Sapnap yelled at him, as he was yanked next to him. "That car almost drove over you. Please be careful." the boy had a worried look on his face.
"I- yeah... I will. I'm sorry." George mumbled looking at the ground.

When they arrived, George already wanted to leave. He hated Aqua parks, because this was where people could see under the hoodies and large shirts he was wearing, they could see he wasn't that muscular as he looked like with the fluffy hoodies or large t-shirts he always had on him.

"Trust me George, nobody cares about your body, they are here to have fun. Nobody will look weird at you." Sap said as they got inside the shared changing room.
"But what if they do? What if they are old high school classmates and they bully me again?" George speaked, worry in his voice.
"Nobody is gonna do anything to you if you're with us." Clay smiled, taking off his shirt, putting it in a loker.
"Yeah! We will protect you George. Don't worry." Karl seemed genuine, while he undressed himself as well.
"Woah woah! Are... why are you guys undressing here?" George's cheeks flushed red.
"Where else are we supposed to?" Sapnap looked at him confused.
"I... I dunno. In a bathroom stall?" George mumbled
"Georgie, it's like in high school when you had to undress next to other people. It's nothing much." Sapnap put a hand on George's shoulder.
"But like... you were never supposed to take your boxers down in front of them." George's cheeks got even redder.

Sapnap sighed, taking him somewhere the other two couldn't hear.

"Listen George. I know it's weird for you, but you need to understand that, like women go naked in front of other women because they exited their showers after swimming, it's the same for us." Sapnap knew the boy already knew that. "You don't look at them, you just need to keep your eyes on you dressing ok?"

George nodded walking back to the place they left the other two. Only to find them, only now dragging their swimming trunks on them. He turned away, his cheeks as red as they could get. He mumbled something to himself before taking the other pair of swim trucks from Sapnap and sighed. He went hiding, around a corner and not even 1 minute after coming out, the large t-shirt was still on him.

"I'm not small, I'm 🌟average🌟. Fuck you guys." Sap flipped off both Karl and Clay.
"That means i'm bigger than a lot of people. Well that also means my last girlfriend was wrong..." Clay made a 'hm' noise, looking at the ground.
"That also means that Sap here is a bo-" Karl let a small yelp out of his lips as he got pinned to the locker door by the dark haired boy.
"I dare you to say that again."
"Geez, take me on a date first until we start making out." Karl winked.
"Oh my god, you are so.... ghh." Sapnap groaned making Karl chuckle.
"C'mere." Karl extended his arms wrapping them around Sapnap neck dragging him down.

Annnd George didn't stay to watch what was gonna happen, and he took Clay's hand and dragged him out of there. Clay still had a confused look on his face looking at George's oversized t-shirt. The boy looked cute in it.

"Why do you still have it on you?" Clay asked, stopping.
"What do you mean?" George stood a little bit " Oh the shirt! Umm, well I don't really like 'showing off'. If you know what I mean." George looked aside, embarrassed.
"George.... nothing's gonna happen. I promise you. Well maybe they left us for a bit uhhhh. But I am here, and i will stay with you." Clay smiled, taking George's hand in his.

●○●○Back to the other idiots○●○●

Karl dragged Sapnap's face closer, pressing their lips together. Sap's eyes grew wide, but he closed them slowly, kissing back; he tilted his head slightly, making the kiss more passionate. Karl separated them for a bit, going back right in the kiss right after. After some more seconds they parted, panting softly, a lovely glint in both of their eyes.

"What the fuck...." Sapnap mumbled, his cheeks burning.
"Hehe... sorry, I got carried away." Karl mumbled back, giggling.
"No... not that. What the fuck did we just do?" Sapnap whispered, looking down in Karl's eyes.
"Uhhh. Kiss?" the light brunette haired boy said taking his hands away from around Sap's neck. "Oh wait... you never... OH!"
"Yeah... umm I mean I kissed girls, ya know. But I uhh can we speak about this later? I'm really worried about George..." Sapnap put two fingers under Karl's chin, peaking his lips again, before taking his hand and going to find their friends.

●○Back to the George and his shirt○●

"Clay!" George yelled as they put George's shirt in a locker at the entrance, closing it with the key.
"Ok, now that we did that, let's go swim." Clay ruffled George's hair smiling.

The smaller boy was trying to cover up his body with his hands, when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. Turning around he found Sapnap with a flushed face and a worried expression.

"George... you took off your shirt." Sapnap smiled.
"He said we can go on a water slide if i do so..." George giggled awkwardly.
"Well ok then! Let's go have fun!" Karl said a smile bigger than George ever saw.

Imagine an anime end card scene that's really good drawn and all at the end. Like the focus is Karl with a big smile, and the rest have smile smiles on their face.

Also yesterday 9th of November was the book's 3 month birthday. :D Thank you for being here, more chapters to come.

Gn everyone. <3

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