《Chapter 4~ Horror Movie》

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Nick sighed smiling lightly, he pressed the play button, as George cuddled in his gray fluffy blanket. 

They watched it, George jumping from time to time, hiding his face in the blanket. At the middle of the movie was a big jump scare, that made George scared so he buried his face in Clay's shoulder, squeezing both Nick's and Clay's arms. His eyes were closed and his heartbeat was really fast. Nick turned around to watch George and make sure he was ok, but he saw Clay letting go of George's arm just to put it around him, hugging him a little. He smiled knowing that he wasn't the only one who George will cling to anymore. Don't get him wrong, he loves to make George happy just with a hug, but sometimes he couldn't be next to the brunette to help him. 

Nick tried to let go of George's hand but the boy didn't let him. Nick sighed. George still didn't have enough trust in Clay as he did with him, and that started worrying him. 

"Hey... it's ok. Me and Nick are here, nothing is gonna happen." Clay softly said seeing the boy slowly shaking. 
"I don't like this. Can... can we stop it? Please?" George whispered, turning to face Nick.

The dark haired boy nodded, pausing the movie. George was like a baby sometimes, and both Clay and Nick knew it at this point. The brunette needed affection, a lot of it because most of his childhood he didn't have hugs and sweet words told to him. 

"Hey... come here. We can have a group hug." Clay smiled watching Nick slowly cuddle his face in George's shoulder, reaching with his free hand and hug both of his friends. 

Clay did the same, except his head was above George's. He sighed softly looking at the clock. 

"It's kinda late..." Clay said as they broke the hug. 
"Yeah. We should go sleep." Nick said, thinking where he could let his friends sleep.
"We can all go in your room and sleep in the bed. It's big, and I guarantee you I will wake up in the middle of the night because I’ll have a nightmare. So we can all cuddle." George said with sparkles in his eyes.
"Well, I guess we could. But Dream needs to sit in the middle." Nick said as we stood up from the couch.
"What? Why?" Clay looked confused at the dark haired boy.
"Because you're the tallest?" Nick pointed out.

Clay sighed, and stood up, George doing the same. They changed into some clothes Nick gave them and went to bed. Surely George was the one that fell asleep first, his face buried in Clay's hand. The second was Nick, and the last but not least was Clay. 


Months passed by and summer was coming. George was really hyped because in those months him and Clay grew closer and closer, George being in love more that the first time they met. He still wasn't going to confess, he didn't want to ruin their friendship. 

A party for the end of the year was coming as well, so the three of them decided to go together. It was on a Friday so that was perfect. 

When Friday came, they all went to school and did what they will do on a normal day. At the cafeteria George flirted a little with Clay when no one was looking, making the boy laugh a little.

"Is that a flirt Georgie?" Clay smirked seeing the red on George's face.
"I told you, don't call me that." George whined putting his face in his hand.
"Why not, Georgie?" Clay laughed seeing the boy puffing his cheeks.
"It's not funny. I would rather be called Gogy than Georgie." the brunette argued, his face turning pink. 
"I can do that. I mean we can do that. Isn't it right Nick?" Clay turned his eyes to watch the other boy.
"Hmm?" Nick hummed confused, due to the fact that he was zoned out.
"We can call Georgie, Gogy or Grog. Frog? I can also call you child." Clay turned to face George. 

Some of Clay's hair fell on his face, the boy having the need to brush it with his fingers back to the normal position. 

'Oh god... that was kinda hot. Wait what the fuck?' George thought, his ears going pink as well.

"I am older than you, Dream" George smirked. 
"Don't call me that." Clay smiled.
"Shut up, both of you. I have some rules for you, cause we're going to that paty. One, you don't drink more than 2 cups of alcohol, in George's case 1. Two, don't get drugs from anyone. Three do not talk with girls if you feel you are more than tipsy. Four, don't fuck with anyone, i don't care if it's a girl or a boy. And five stay together. Understood?" Nick said as he watched the other two's faces going dark red at the 'I don't care if it's a girl or a boy' part. 
"Why do i need to listen to you? I'm older than you." George asked, looking bored and flustered. 
"Because last time some girl dragged you in a room and wanted to do it with you. Good thing I was with you and I stopped her from even kissing you. You will not have your first kiss or first anything until i say the person you like is good enough to have it." Nick moved his eyes to Clay who had a confused look on his face.
"I umm... yeah...." George hid his face in his oversized sleeves.

After that the bell announced they needed to go back to class, being their last class of the day. 


"Ugh. My T-shirt is wet." George said as he exited the bathroom from Nick's home.
"Then take one of mine. You're in my house dude" Nick pointed at the dresser as he was concentrated on his game. 
"Is the umm, yellow hoodie on the bed one of yours?" George took it in his hands.
"That is green and it's mine. You can take it if you want" Clay said, yelling at Nick"YOU KILLED ME AGAIN. HOW?" he cried smacking his head on the table. "I hate you." he mumbled.
"You look cute." Nick said as he chuckled seeing George turning his face. 
"Wh... no i'm not" George rolled his eyes as he sat on the bed "How much time until we leave ?" 
"Ummm" Nick looked at the clock "20 minutes. Why?" 
"Cause i'm bored." the brunette whined "And i'm pretty sure you killed Clay in real life as well" 
"I'm good." Clay mumbled, showing a thumbs up. 
"Pretty sure you're having an existential crisis right now." Nick said looking at Clay and George until he realised.

'oooh~ ehehe' Nick thought, smirking, as he watched Clay sighing. 

"Hey George, can you go down for a little? I need to tell Clay some stuff." Nick chuckled as Clay looked at him strangely. 
"Umm, ok, i'm gonna see what Tommy and Toby are up to." George smiled as he exited the room.

Clay looked at him even more confused as the dark haired boy dragged his chair closer to him. 

"Soo, you are attracted to my Georgie, from what I can see." Nick smirked as he looked at the dirty blonde haired boy in front of him.
"What? No. He's just really cute, as you said." Clay smiled "I am not attracted to him, and if i was... you were the first one to know." he put his hands up, leaning backwards. 
"Mhm, we'll see if that’s true, flirt boy." Nick laughed as he saw Clay's confused reaction. "Ok ok, let's go to the party" 


Heyyy i can do art. :D Please look at the photo from this chapter. :')

Anyway, Spoilers for the next chapter:

you will get a moment with Tubbo and Tommy being adorable. :)

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