《Chapter 9~ "Friendly" Kisses》

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George curled between his two friends, Sapnap's arm protective around the smaller boy. The first to wake up was Sapnap, so he turned around to see that the clock showed 9 am, which means his friends aren't gonna wake up for the next 2 hours. He sighed softly, getting out of bed he went downstairs, watching TV on the couch.

As hours passed, George woke up to Clay having his hands loosely around his waist. He smiled pushing his head in the boy's chest, inhaling his scent. The dirty blonde haired boy mumbled something, moving his hands down a little bit. The smaller boy let a sigh out his lips, his face flushing red. He moved his hands on Clay's chest trying to push himself away, but that only got Clay to push the boy further into his body, George's eyes widened, his face even more red.

For George felt like hours, in reality being only 15 minutes, when Clay finally opened his eyes lazily. He closed them back due to the light in the room.

"Morning sleepyhead." George mumbled, waiting for the boy to let him out of his trap.
"Morning." Clay said, his voice deep and raspy, making George blush even harder.
"Can you let me out please... you're kinda just... pressing me against you.." George looked away embarrassed.
"Mhm." Clay let go of the boy, moving down a little, his head above George's stomach, wrapping his hands around the smaller one again. "Let me sleep more." he mumbled in the same deep and raspy voice.
"We need to get up, Clay. We can't just stay all d- WHat are you-?" George cut himself off by Clay's face being in his, so close that he could feel his breath on his lips.
"I. Want. To. Sleep. Please. Shut. Up." Clay said, looking George dead in the eyes. He sighed leaning down and peaking the brunette's lips. "There, I kissed you goodnight, like homies do, ok? Now let me sleep, please." Clay buried his face back above George's stomach. 

George 's cheeks were a really dark shade of red, he stood silent playing with the taller's hair. At some point the door opened, Clay's sister coming in. Her eyes widened, closing the door fast and probably going back down with Nick. George's ears started to get even more red, he assumed his sister was thinking something was between Clay and him, but it wasn't, so he will have to clarify that with her. 

At around 11 pm Clay stood up looking at the clock.

"Where's Sapnap?" he asked, sitting down his face in front of George's. 
"I don't know, maybe downstairs. Also I think your sister, one of them, is home." George mumbled looking back at Clay.
"Mmm, she came in the room didn't she?"
"I- yeah." George looked away.
"Well, I say we go and I'm gonna make you, me, Nick and my sister a good breakfast." The taller stood up leaving the room.

George just stood there, remembering what happened. Of course Clay was half asleep while doing it, but still, he just got George's first kiss. Is that even considered a first kiss? George was stuck in the bed, thinking, until the door opened and Nick entered, sitting on the bed.

"Tell me what happened, now." the boy demanded.
"I- what?" George asked, confused.
"Clay's sister came downstairs, telling me you two were having 'Mommy and Daddy time'. What the fuck those that mean? What did he do?" Sapnap raised his eyebrow.
"Ooh. Uhh yeah, he was like, having his face buried above my stomach, and I was playing with his hair. He named it ✨Goodnight kiss like homies do✨." George mumbled

Sapnap's eyes widened, he got up and went straight to the kitchen, George following, confused as always. The youngest of all of them went behind Clay and slapped the back of his neck yelling "IDIOT!" at him

"WHAT THE FUUU...UGE DID I DO THIS TIME?" Clay yelled back, remembering his sister was in the next room
"You know exactly what you did." Sap looked at him with a death glare. "Who let you kiss my beautiful boy?" He continued.
"I- What? You have a child? And I kissed him?" Clay was really really confused at the moment.

Sapnap's arm went around George's neck dragging the small brunette next to him

"Yeah. He's right here. And i heard that you stole his first kiss this morning, while you were half asleep." Sap explained seeing Clay's face going a little bit red.
"I umm, that wasn't intentional I swear." Clay felt embarrassed and also guilty.
"Oh, it's nothing, really. Like I said, I don't understand what's with this whole thing with who gets to kiss you first. What's the point in it?" George tilted his head.
"Well you see, it's a magic thing. I had a book about it, but i can tell you what it said in it." Clay said

A first kiss is always special. The magic between the two people that kiss can't be described even by the most powerful creatures on this planet. Even if it's just a peak on the lips or a full on make out session, both individuals are or will be attracted to one another. The first kiss may be gentle, and if the person that is kissed doesn't say anything about it it might be because they appreciate it in silence.

Of course Clay didn't tell George the 'it is or will be attracted to one another' he wouldn't out himself like that. He did have some sort of feelings for him, but they definitely weren't strong, just a small feeling he had in the back of his mind. 

"That sounds... interesting? Didn't feel anything soo i guess the thing is just a myth." George smiled softly, trying to hide the lie he just said.
"Oh, well... i guess." Clay turned to whatever he was cooking.

The boys left him alone, going to talk with his sister. 

"You and Clay have something going on?" she asked.
"Umm, no, i'm pretty sure we don't. I usually cuddle with my friends." George laughed awkwardly.
"Hey can I talk with... just you for a sec?" Sap asked, and without an answer he dragged the brunette in the bathroom with him.

The younger one sighed, pushing George to sit on the toilet. 

"You're so obvious holy shit." Nick mumble, his fingers massaging his temples.
"I- huh?" George was confused on what he did this time.
"Ok listen, a "friend" isn't just kissing you on the lips. We are more than friends... George, we are best friends, and i never did that, i never would." he explained, watch the brunette's face going all confused.
"Don't start about the fact that he likes me, Nick. He was just sleepy ok? It isn't that much of a deal." George sighed.
"You really did not look him in the eyes back in the kitchen, did you?" Nick asked, getting a confused look from his friend. "Remember when that girl tried to kiss you, and you told me how much want you saw in her eyes? Clay had the same thing, but not that bad." the boy explained.
"What... ?" was the only thing George could say until a knock on the door.
"You two coming to eat?" Clay asked.

Sap opened the door and left to the kitchen, leaving Clay and George alone. George wanted to say something but Clay  cut him off.

"I'm sorry..." Clay said looking at the ground.
"What? For what are you sorry?" George got up and put two fingers under Clay's chin to make the boy look at him.
"You know what i-..." Clay got cut off by George kissing his cheek.

The smaller one giggled and passed by him, going in the kitchen as well.

'What was that?' Clay thought blushing.

Well hello there. Is the story going too fast?

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