《Chapter 5~ The Party》

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It's 5 am, and i couldn't sleep so i started writing this. Have fun!

George made his way to Toby's room, gently knocking on the door. He heard a fainted 'come in' and he opened the door. Oh the bed where the two younger boys, playing some games on the nintendo Toby had.

"How are you guys doing?" George smiled gently sitting beside them.
"Tommy is really good at the game, he won every round" Toby said smiling.
"And you are trash, you need to focus Toby." Tommy said in an annoyed tone.
"That's not really nice, Tommy." George said a sad smile on his face.
"It's o.." Toby tried to say.
"I don't care. What I care about is why are you wearing the other boy's hoodie?" Tommy asked, leaving the console on the side.

George blushed slightly as Tommy had a small grin on his face. Toby curled next to George and looked at him with a big smile.

"Will you tell us a story now?" Toby's big eyes made George's heart melt. 
"I mean, i could tell a short story. Tommy, do you want to hear a story?" George looked at the boy.
"Pff whatever." the blonde boy said as he cuddled next to Toby with a small smile.

George started telling them the story, the boys listening carefully to everything he said. As the story was done, Sapnap came into the room. 

"Ow, well guys, i need to go. You two are big enough to take care of yourselves." George smiled standing up. 
"Don't worry, George, i will take care of Toby." Tommy said standing on the bed with one hand on his chest. 
"That's so sweet of you. I bet you will take good care of your friend." George chuckled.
"I'm not sweet. He's just not good enough to take care of himself, alone." Tommy puffed his cheeks, as he crossed his arms.
"Sure he is. See you guys soon" George exited the room.
"One of my friends is gonna come and sit with you two. I don't know if you know Wilbur." Nick gave the two boys some chocolate "See you guys tomorrow! I love you Toby!" Nick exited the room after George.

Nick passed George the car keys. They got in the car and George followed Nick's instructions to where they were supposed to go. As they arrived, George took a good look at the building and then got out of the car. He sighed hearing the loud music coming from inside and seeing outside, couples laughing and kissing. He blushed and cringed at the same time. Nick dragged George with him. 

"He's something you will like, they have tequila. I know you like it." Nick smiled giving George a cup with alcohol. 
"Well... thank you. Where's Clay?" George took a sip.
"Oh my fucking god, we already lost him?" Nick said looking through the crowd. "Ghhh,go wait on the couch" he sighed.
"Umm ok." George made his way to the almost full couch.

George crashed on the couch, watching as two girls were talking on his right as a couple was making out on his left. He sighed, looking at his drink. He took a bigger sip, relaxing a little.

"Hi! You must be George!" a person said.

George looked up, and as Clay wasn't handsome enough, the person sitting in front of him was pretty, but George didn't find him prettier than Clay. He took another sip before speaking.

"Umm yeah! Who are you?" George watched as the boy stood down next to him.
"I'm Eret! I'm the host. It's interesting how you don't know me." he chuckled making George smile.
"Well, my friends brought me here, Nick and Clay. I don't know if you know Nick, but you definitely know Clay." George said, taking another sip from his cup.
"Oh! Yeah I know them both. Your friends are really chill." Eret pointed out watching the boy drinking all he had in his cup.
"And both are really handsome, if i can say so myself." the brunette blushed giggling.
"Want to go to a quiet place to talk? We can get you another cup while we are at it." Eret stood up watching the other boy doing the same.
"Yes! That sounds cool! I'm in need of more friends." George said as Eret put more liquid in his cup.

They went upstairs, in a spare room that was free. Eret started telling the brunette about himself and things that he wanted to do in the future, then it was the brunette's turn. They talked for some time, George definitely having more than 2 cups of alcohol. 

"You're like me aren't you?" Eret asked out of the blue.
"What.... d-do you mean by that?" the brunette looked at his new friend.

Eret chuckled. George was definitely not as drunk as he was last time but he didn't understand what the other boy meant by that.

"I mean your sexuality. It's not that hard to guess it, based on your jeans and how you act." Eret said looking at George, like he was waiting for an answer.
"Well i- yeah..." the brunette whispered "Please do-don't be the type who tolds e... everyone." he also said slowly, looking at the ground.
"Oh! George. No, I'm not like that. People know i'm bi, because i'm open about it. But i will never force someone to get out of the closet." Eret smiled again.
"GEORGE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Nick's voice was heard from the hallway.
"Oh... that's my sign to go. Have a good rest of the night Eret!" George smiled back to him, exiting the room.

The brunette found an annoyed Nick at the end of the stairs. But before he could go down, Clay hugged him by his neck, making  him gasp.

"What's wrong Clay?" George asked when he felt tears on his neck.
"Oh god, you two go to a free room, I'm going to bring something from the car ok?" Nick said worried.
"Ok ok. C'mon Clay let's go." the brunette entered the first room he didn't hear noise coming from.

George stood on the bed, the blonde sitting on his lap still crying. The brunette started making circles on Clay's back, sighing.

"What's wrong Clay? Did something happen?" he softly said hugging him closer.
"I- i don't know why I'm crying." Clay mumbled as he snaked his arms around George's waist burying his face deeper in the brunette's chest.
"It's ok, it's probably because of the amount of alcohol you had. Do you remember how much you drink?" George asked as he ruffled Clay's hair, to get it out of his eyes.
"M-maybe.... like a b-bottle." Clay started to calm down.

Nick finally got in the room, closing the door behind him. He stood next to George, giving him a 'What happened to him?' look. The small brunette gave him a 'I don't know' look.

"Hey, Clay. Wanna sleep for a little. We will be here with you." Nick asked.
"That.... that will be nice." he smiled, getting out of George's warm embrace. "You're really warm, now I'm cold." he whined.
"You can get under the covers." George mumbled.

Clay nodded standing up from George's lap and getting under the soft and warm covers. He fell asleep almost instantly.

"What happened to him?" Nick asked, watching George sighing.
"I don't know. He said he doesn't know. We should leave, I feel pretty drunk as well." George mumbled laying on the other side of the bed with his hand on his forehead.
"You could have said that before he was asleep." Nick sighed "Ok, help me carry him in the car, I'm driving you two to my house, Wilbur will be there, you two sleep in my room so you don't disturb the other ones." 
"Hey, Clay." George slowly pushed a finger in the blonde's shoulder.

Clay groaned, moving closer to George. The brunette poked him again, making him open his eyes slightly.

"What?" Clay mumbled.

Nick smirked, deciding this was a good opportunity to make Clay freak out. So before George had any chance to speak he started.

"I found you two in a room, in the same bed. What did you do, Clay?" Nick said,  trying to look as serious as he could be.
"Wh-?" George tried to say again, but got cut out.
"WHAT? I'M NOT THAT DRUNK, I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I SWEAR!" Clay stood up looking at Nick. 

George could see fear in Clay's eyes, so he put a hand on his shoulder, making the blonde look at him.

"He's joking Clay. You think I will let someone actually do anything like that to me? I'm not drunk." George calmly said, his hand slipping and intertwining itself with Clay's. "Calm down. Ok? We want to go home." he added, but he could still see fear in Clay's eyes.
"I-... let's go." Nick decided to shut up and walk out of the room to start the car.

The other two followed shortly after, George keeping a closer eye on Clay's movements. 

"I'm gonna let you two at my house, and I'm coming back." Nick sighed seeing George kinda worried.
"Ok..." the other two.

Summer (Gream/Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now