《Chapter 13~ Mhm》

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ART CREDIT TO @c0pixs  on Twitter


"Are we lost?" George asked Clay, looking around for their other 2 friends.

"Uhhh, I'm sure they have to be somewhere around here." Clay came closer to him.

"What are you..." Clay just nudged him a little bit, pointing at some seats in the water, where Karl was standing in Sap's lap talking with him as they both smiled. "Oh!" George whispered.

"Mhm, they look cute." Clay said as he stood on a random chair at the water bar.

George felt Clay's hand in his dragging him between the dirty blonde's thighs, making his face blush, as their clothed intimate parts were pressing a little bit against each other. The brunette mumbled a 'What are you doing?' his voice really low. Clay didn't respond, instead wrapping both hands around George's waist protective, looking around.

"Clay..." George whispered, the boy, finally, landing his eyes on him.

"There were those people looking at you." Clay explained moving himself closer to the edge of the seat.

"... um maybe don't do that..." George's face flushed even more redder.

"Hmm? Oh sorry." Clay left more space to George, smiling awkwardly.

Clay's eyes landed on the group that was standing in the water, from time to time glancing at them. The taller groaned, looking how they laughed with each other as they were peaking glances at George. He knew the smaller boy didn't like to be talked about, especially his height and weight.

"Hey. Do you wanna go to another area? We can go to the spinning thing." George mumbled as he put a hand on Clay's chest, sliding it to his chin, making the taller one look at him.

"No, it's ok. They might leave soon." Clay looked in George's eyes.

"You seem worried. Do you know those people or?" George spoke softly, his other hand on Clay's leg, supporting his body weight.

"No, I have no idea who they are. They can either compliment you or make fun of you. I know you don't like when people look at you." Clay mumbled, circling his thumbs on either side of George.

George sighed softly, the feeling giving him butterflies and other emotions he didn't knew, smiling to the fact that Clay cared about him enough to be protective with him while Sapnap was... well he was distracted at the moment. Clay knew him, but Sapnap knew him better, he tried to open up to Clay, slowly he did, but it wasn't enough.

"George, are you comfortable? I'm sorry." Clay whispered, letting go of George's waist.

"Mmm? What? No, it just it gave me a weird feeling when you did that." George admitter, a really faded pink on his cheeks.

"Hm? What kind of feeling?" Clay asked, moving a hand through his now light brown, wet, long hair.

'Holy fuck that was... that was something.' George panicked inside, feeling even more butterflies in his stomach.

"Um I don't know, I never had to describe emotions to anyone. The only time I described things was when Nick knew I was panicking about something." George said, thinking about how could he describe it.

"Hmm, well, let's find this emotion of yours together. What do you think?" Clay had a warm smile on his soft pink lips.

"I.. yeah. That will be nice." George whispered, thankful for Clay's attention to him.


George was waiting at the water bar for his friends to come back from the bathroom. When he felt someone dragging his waist, being glued to someone's side, he turned around letting a 'tch' escape his mouth, pushing the man away, sitting back on his chair.

"Well hello there cutie. I see you're all alone~." The man said, moving his hand to George's knee and slowly moving it up.

George slapped his hand, looking no interest in the man, but deep down he was panicking, looking around for any of his friends. Until he spotted Clay and Karl coming out of the bathroom build. The man next to George was talking about something, still trying to touch George. When Clay made eye contact with George his eyes yelled for the dirty blonde haired boy.

"Come on now. Don't you want some fun? Isn't that why you came here in the first place?" The man smirked, putting his hand on George's chin, roughly dragging it to face him.

"Take your hands off of him." Clay pushing the man away, taking George's hand in his.

"Oh no. Your big and 'powerful' man and his brother came to save you? That's embarrassing." The man laughed.

That made George, without wanting, to cover himself with his hands, feeling inferior to everyone around him. He wasn't even listening anymore, his anxiety having the most of him. Until he felt Clay's long and warm finger on his chin, moving it to look at the tall boy. The only thing he heard before that was a 'Shut the fuck up' from Karl's mouth, after that not a single word from what Karl was saying, arguing with the man, was entering his ears.

"How bad is it? Two taps for really bad, one for bad, and non for it's ok. " Clay whispered, leaning close to George's face.

George tapped Clay's wrist 1 time, the taller's eyes softened, as George was taking small breaths, trying to calm himself.

"Hey, George, I know something that might make you not thing about anything around you. Do you trust me?" Clay's voice alone made George feel safe, so he nodded softly.

Clay looked to the left of them seeing the guy still throw a lot of words to Karl. Oh Clay was gonna show this guy how George wasn't a person to play with, especially when he and their other friends were around.

He turned his attention to George, seeing the brunette's eyes looking at him. So he did it, he leaned in, closing his eyes, pressing their lips together, he took his other hand and put it on George's cheek, praying that this will actually make the smaller one calm a little. George's eyes widened, feeling everything around him turn into a void, only the two of them, him and the boy he loved, only them sitting in a void of water. His eyes slowly closed, giving in the pool of emotion he was feeling, his knees going weak by second. Clay pressed more in the kiss, making George sight softly, Clay's lips just felt so good on his, so soft, so warm. George's fingers played slowly with Clay's puffy, soft hair, slowly pulling away from each other.

"Are you ok?" Clay said softly, as he felt Karl next to him.

"Yeah- ."George mumbled.

"What happened here?" Sapnap said worriedly, putting his hand on George's back.

"There was this idiot that tried to get George to something, I'm not sure what, but he said a lot of messed up stuff. So this blonde man tried to calm down your brother from another mother." Karl explained, watching Sapnap's expression change.

"Couldn't you just punch that dude, Karl?" Sapnap tilted his head.

"I don't wanna get in trouble, ok?" Karl put his hands in the air.

"Understandable" Sapnap mumbled "Hey George, are you ok?" he said softly.

George still had his fingers play in Clay's hair, feeling the soft locks brush against his finger tips as well feeling the warmth the boy's hand was emitting on his cheek. He smiled softly, nodding, leaning in Clay's touch.

"Your hand smells like bleach." George pointed out.

"We are in a pool George, all of us smell like bleach." Clay mumbled, slowly letting go of George's face.

There take it. I remade the kiss scene as well so I hope you guys enjoy it more now :)

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