《Chapter 8~ Surprised 》

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Clay's eyes widened looking at the brunette, his mouth opened a little bit before he closed it and looked away. George's eyes dropped to the ground, playing with his fingers, feeling anxious. What the fuck was going in his mind when he said that? Clay turned his eyes back to him smiling slightly.

"I kinda had a suspicion about that." the dark blonde haired boy mumbled.
"W-what?" George's eyes looked in the other's eyes.
"Don't worry about that right now. We are friends, right? I support you no matter what." Clay put a hand on George's shoulders dragging him a warm hug. 

The smaller boy started sobbing. He was so afraid of his friend's reaction, he didn't know if he would get accepted or pushed away. But Clay's embrace felt warm and full of support. 

"I am proud of you, you trust me enough to tell me this." The taller one whispered, curling his fingers in George's hair for comfort.

Nick smiled, watching the two. Clay looked at him with a small smile before burying George's face in his shoulder. George was warm now, even though he was crying from the fact that the weight on his shoulders was lifted up, he felt safe. George felt more warmth from his back as Nick hugged them as well. This was perfect, he liked this. They slowly parted as George calmed down.

"Can... can I ask something?" Clay tilted his head seeing Nick lifting one of his eyebrows.
"Umm, depends. But I guess so." George mumbled, wiping his eyes with Clay's hoodie.
"For how long did you know ?" Clay mumbled.

Nick sighed, seeing as George got stuck at those words. 'How long?' he never considered for how long he found himself liking boys as well.

"From what I can tell you, that means for how long I knew, it's like 2-3 years, something like that." Nick responded. 
"Actually... I feel like this for 2 and a half years now." George mumbled.
"Oh, that's a really long time, I imagined it would be like 1 year or something!" the dark haired boy smiled softly.
"If I think about it... yeah, it really is a long time, huh?" George smiled back.
"Ow! Now I'm not special anymore." Nick pouted, putting his head on George's shoulder.
"Nono, you still are. You're the first to know." the brunette said looking at his best friend while patting his hair.
"Why the fuck are you guys so... cute when you are together. Like holy shit, you're gonna give me diabetes." Clay's smile widened.

Clay watched his friends laugh. At the same time seeing how lovingly George was looking at Nick, he knew George loved affection, and Nick was giving him a lot of it. That made Clay believe George was considering his best friend to be a smaller brother, due to their age. 

"You better not start one of those internet stories with 'I fell in love with my best friend but I consider him my brother' type of story." Clay joked.
"Me? To like this idiot? How straight does he have to dress to show people we aren't dating nor he is part of lgbtq+?" George laughed, the other two joining him. "Ok but seriously now. I don't fall in love a lot and when I do, we become friends and I just bottle up my emotions. To be honest I only liked... hmm... 4-5 girls in my entire life? Is that right Nick?" George looked at his friend.
"Yep. This man is a really shy and lonely boy." 
"Wait? How do you know you are attracted to boys if you never liked one?" Clay asked confused.
"Oh! That's because love isn't the first one on my list. But I find boys attractive, like I want to date a boy, but I am the only one I know who likes boys and girls, so i prefer to not get attached to anyone." George turned his eyes to Clay.

The brunette smiled, his pupils dilating when he made eye contact with his taller friend. He wasn't aware of the fact that he could show a pool of emotions in his eyes, but Clay sure was, his pupils slowly doing the same, feeling George's eyes on his face. 

"Stop staringggg." Nick whined, seeing Clay's eyes exploring George's face. 
"Oh? Um, sorry." George hummed, pink dust against his cheeks as he turned his eyes to the snacks on the table. "I'm sleepy." The brunette continued leaning his head on Nick's shoulder, he closed his eyes.
"Let's get in bed then, shall we?" Nick sighed.
"Carry meee." The brunette whined. 
"I'm not doing that, you're fat." Nick poked George's cheek.
"Pleaseeee?" George whined again, only making Nick sigh.
"Why are you so whiny today?" the dark haired boy mumbled.
"Cause I'm in need of affection. Duh." George chuckled burying his face in Nick's neck, the cinnamon scent filling his nose.
"Ask Clay for it, I'm tired as well." Nick closed his eyes, relaxing. 
"I'm not carrying both of you in the bed." Clay said, getting up.
"Why? Do I have too big of an ass for you to carry me?" Nick laughed opening his eyes. 
"No, it's because I don't actually know how to carry people, and i might just end up dropping one of you on the floor." Clay had a ':|' face while looking at the two cuddling on the couch.
"Ok ok. George?" Nick turned to the boy, seeing that he was mostly asleep.
"Mh? Yeah?" the brunette mumbled in the crotch or his neck.
"Get up." Nick stood up as well. 

When Nick stood up the cinnamon scent was replaced with the lemon scent from the hoodie on him. Sleepy, George stood up, following the other two in the room. 

"I'm getting the bed you two sleep on the floor." George mumbled falling face first in the bed, immediately passing out. 
"Woah. He just blacked out-" Clay stood in the doorway looking at George, concerned. "You sure he's ok?" 
"Yup! He is... how do i put it? Let's say emotionally drained. His body is doing this to protect himself." Nick yawned. 

Clay hummed, as he watched Nick picking the smaller one up and moving him in a better position in the bed, leaving space for him and Clay. 

"I'm gonna go change, do you have some pyjamas?" Nick whispered looking up at the dark blonde haired boy.

Nick got the clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Clay took a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, changing in the room, before Nick came back and they all went to sleep.


WOAH! Ngl, i have no idea how to start the relationship. So next chapter it will be a bonus one while i'm thinking about a start. Cya!

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