Chapter 23

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Anakin landed on the dusty planet with a sigh of relief.

All he wanted to do at this moment was scoop Ahsoka up in his arms and tell her that it was over and that she could finally come home.

He set off to the Lars farm with a lump in his throat.

He wondered how his step brother and father had taken their unexpected visitors. He was nervous to see them, he hadn't exactly left on good terms.

Then he smiled to himself knowing that he would be able to stop by his mother's grave. Maybe he could show Ahsoka his mother, or would that be weird?

He shook his head and continued on his journey towards the farm.


Kix was pacing.

He was worried for Ahsoka and he was worried that Anakin would find out.

"Would you please stop pacing?" Fives groaned from one of the beds.

"She went in there with an old enemy and she doesn't even know WHAT the job is?!" Kix exclaimed.

"Hey Don't pin this on me! I was the one who said she shouldn't go! You were the one who said she should!" Rex yelled at him.

"I did not!" Kix argued.

"Guys, guys,"Echo yelled at them from outside of the hut.
"We might have a bigger problem."

"What is it Echo?" Hardcase groaned. Watching Rex and Kix argue was the only interesting thing to do around there and Echo had ended it.

The clones all let out groans as they stood up to join Echo outside.

"Is it Jawas again, because I swear if it is-" Jesse said in a death threatening tone.

"No it isn't look!" Echo said pointing to the horizon.

The clones stared at it to find a small figure slowly walking closer to them.

"General Skywalker's coming? Shit!" Fives yelled as he ran back inside the hut to hide.

"What do we tell him?!" Kix yelled.

"Would you shut up!! Ahsoka hasn't been gone long enough to have left the planet, she probably in town going over details for the mission. So we just tell him that she went into town." Rex explained.

"That it if all of us are able to lie." Jesse chuckled.

"Hey that was one time!! Once!" Echo whined.

"Shut up and get inside!" Fives whispered from inside the hut.

The clones quickly entered and shut the door.

"Just act natural." Kix told them.

"NATURAL!? We are clones we aren't programmed to lie to our superiors!" Fives whispered harshly.

"Would. You. Shut. Up!" Echo yelled at him.

Suddenly the door opened and everyone went quiet.

"Hey guys!" Anakin announced as he scanned the room.
"Where's Ahsoka?"

"She um-"

"She went into town sir." Rex cut fives off with a glare.

"Oh ok um, I guess  we are just going to have to wait till she gets back to tell her the news." Anakin said with a disappointed sigh.

"They found the real bomber?" Kix asked.

"Yes Barriss Offee Ahsoka's friend. She admitted to me that she framed Ahsoka, but what she didn't know was that I was recording her." Anakin said with a smirk.

"She not going to take this well." Echo said softly.

"Will she even want to go back to the order? Will they even want her back?" Fives asked.

"I hope fives, I really hope so." Anakin replied softly.


Ahsoka awoke with a groan.

"I really need to stop making a habit of getting stunned." She said to herself as she looked around herself to find that she was in a cage like the time she had been captured by the trandostian pirates.

That's when she realized she wasn't the only one in a cage. There were other people around her.
And they looked terrified.

"Um, hi everyone." Ahsoka said awkwardly only to be answered with silence.

"Where are we?" She asked a young human girl who was in a cage next to her.

"We aren't supposed to talk." The girl whispered harshly.

"And she is exactly right Ahsoka Tano." She heard a voice called out.

"Boba? How did you-" ahsoka stuttered out.

"Ah Ah Ah no questions asked. I do my job by delivering you and get paid. That's just how life works." Bobs said with a shrug.

"And whom may I ask am I being delivered to?" Ahsoka asked with a cold glare.

"I can't say that now can I? That would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it." Boba grinned underneath his helmet.

"Once I get out of this cage I will make you regret this." Ahsoka growled at him.

"Oh shut it." He said with a sigh before pressing a button on his wrist.

Pain flooded Ahsoka senses as electricity coursed through her body.
She held in screams of pain.
She wasn't about to let him see her in pain.

It finally stopped and she heard him crouch down in the space in front of her cage.

"It's like the girl said. No talking or else." He said in a cold and threatening tone.

"You don't scare me." Ahsoka said to him as her eyes met the strip of his helmet that he could see through.

"Oh don't worry, I will." He said with a growl as he pressed the button again.

Ok so quick story time.

So I was told today by a man that I had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen
(I have blue eyes)
This man was in like his Middle Ages.
So I awkwardly accepted the compliment and tried to go about my day.
Then he told me
"One day a boy is going to take one look in those eyes and he will be lost forever in them."
I know I probably shouldn't be so happy about a creepy old guy saying that but honestly it made my day and I cannot get it out of my head❤️❤️

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