Chapter 13

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Halloween. One of Percy's less-favorite days. Sure, it was fun with the whole trick or treating thing, and dressing up was always fun, but it also happened to be the day things usually went wrong in Hogwarts. At least, according to Harry and Ron. In their first year a troll was loose in the castle. In their second year, the Chamber of Secrets (whatever that was) was opened, in their third year they all thought they had been attacked by Harry's Godfather who was assumed to be evil, and so on. Not to mention, Harry's parents were murdered on Halloween so it was traditionally a bad day.

Despite all these happenings, Halloween was widely celebrated in Hogwarts. Pumpkins with near impossible carvings floated in various hallways and there were enchantments or something making it look like bats flew around. Or there were just actual real bats flying around.

The thing he didn't know, however, was that even though the magic folk were so enthusiastic about Halloween, they didn't dress up. As in dress in costume. It would have been way nicer to know that before he stepped into the great hall dressed as Aquaman.

"Percy... What are you wearing?" Hermioe asked. Percy, having already gathered everyone else didn't have costumes on, was grumpily eating his toast.

"It's Halloween. You're supposed to dress up for Halloween, or is that just another American thing," Percy said. Hermione ignored his sarcasm and instead just sat and started on some cereal.

"Don't listen to her, mate," Ron said, leaning over the table. "I think your costume is brilliant. Fish man, I like it."

"It's Aquaman," Percy said, thinking you uncultured swine afterwards.

"He's right, you know what," Harry said, standing up and brandishing his wand. He made a face like he was constipated then said some magic words that made no sense to Percy. In a puff of smoke Harry was dressed as a vampire. Not an accurate vampire, more like the 'huge fangs, long black and red cape, slick black hair,' vampire.

"Dude!" Percy exclaimed, Ron agreeing with his enthusiasm.

Percy had a creeping suspicion Harry was just dressing like Dracula just to make him feel less left out. Except, apparently seeing a professor who had no idea what he was doing and the Chosen One dressed ridiculously compelled others to dress up as well.

Percy passed students in the halls wearing their quidditch robes and carrying around their broomsticks dressed as a quidditch athlete. He saw some queens, pirates, something called a 'Fwooper' and he swore he saw Lady Gaga. He even saw Professor Flitwick dressed as a hobbit from Lord of the Rings.

His class was all about mythical creatures (as a halloween special) he had found and dug up information about. He showed the students pictures of Augeries and Snallygasters, walked the older classes out to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to see the aftermath where a Graphon had been taken care of (as in taken to the ministry not killed). He even coaxed out the Giant Squid, who was actually quite friendly. He had a bad rep, but Percy had gotten to know him and he was a nice guy. His name is Gerald.

As he was teaching the eighth year Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws about the Zouwu and their power to jump incredibly long distances, he heard a commotion outside. Percy quickly ran to the back of the classroom, hesitating by the door to listen for sounds of trouble. Hearing none, he gestured for the students to stay seated.

He opened the door and creeped silently along the hallway, waiting for any noise or sign. The hairs on the back of his neck stuck up and he slowly drew Riptide in pen form, then turned around sharply in a fighting stance just to face Ernie Macmillan and some of his other students.

"What are you guys doing here?" Percy hissed, still holding Riptide in a clenched fist.

"We needed to help," Ernie whispered back, and his classmates nodded in support. Percy, upon seeing the Hufflepuffs loyalty holding them here firmly, gave in and told them to stay low. Percy turned the corner of the corridor, hearing the sounds of a scuffle, only to see three students fighting it out.

"Hey! Kids," Percy yelled over the grunts and shoves, gaining all their attention. "Do this off of school grounds, would you? And by the way I really like your Harry Potter costume."

The youngest looking kid grinned lopsidedly and looked down at his poor impression of Harry. He was complete with a bad make-up scar and everything. Percy shooed them away and they hurried off.

Walking back to the classroom, Percy at the back of the group, he heard more sounds of a fight behind him.

"What did I tell you guys, do it somewhere-" Percy turned around just in time to jump to the side, a curse streaking past him. It hit Mandy Brocklehurst squarely in the back and she started coughing up blood.

The students started screaming, and Percy ordered them to head to the Hospital Wing. He turned to the source of the curse just to see two figures in long dark cloaks and hoods up covering their faces, wands pointed at Percy.

"I told you," said one of them. "He isn't Harry Potter."

"Yeah, I see that now you git," the other said, still pointing his wand at Percy, "but they look the same from the back."

"What do you want," Percy asked them, voice strong and unwavering, his body held the same way. He would have looked intimidating if it wasn't for the ridiculous Aquaman outfit he was still wearing.

"Where is Harry Potter," the first one demanded. Great, Percy thought. Getting in a fight the one day I didn't look cool. Though I should have called this, seeing as everything always happens on Halloween.

"Who?" Percy asked, feigning confusion. Another curse was shot at him and he dodged once again, hiding behind a suit of armor.

"You KNOW who!" one shouted, shooting a curse at the armor. It exploded into dust. Percy sighed and raised his hands in surrender, subtly scanning the two for weaknesses and finding many.

They both relied on their wands, just like his students. This was his largest advantage. The problem would be getting their wands away, but before he could put any thought into it, he heard an "EXPELLIARMUS!" from behind the two men. Both their wands flew out of their hands and into Luna Lovegood's, who threw them on the ground and stomped on them.

"Luna! Get to the Hospital Wing!" Percy yelled as the men roared with rage. They advanced on Luna but before they could get to her Percy had them both on the ground. He had swept his leg under their legs, and they toppled to the floor, hoods flying off.

"How many of there are you," Percy asked sweetly, crouching down and holding one of their shoulders in each hand. The broader of the two spat in his face. In return, Percy's eyes darkened and he popped the man's shoulder almost completely out of socket. He screamed in agony.

"I'll ask you again," Percy continued, ignoring Luna's look of horror, "how many of you are there in this castle."

"Only a few! Fi-fifteen or sixteen," the uninjured one stammered out, and Percy let go of them. They looked relieved but only moments later they were knocked out by Percy.

"You need to go to the Hospital Wing, Luna," Percy said seriously, "tell Madame Pomfrey there are intruders here for Harry."

"Those are Death Eaters," Luna stated, the dreaminess usually in her voice gone, her eyes focussed on the man's injured shoulder.

Percy cursed under his breath. Death Eaters, just great. And there were more of them, and they could be anywhere in the castle, all out to kill Harry. He needed to find Harry and get him to safety and get these Death Eaters out of the castle.

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