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Willow Hale has lived alone ever since her mother died, when she was 6, her father decided to cope by traveling with his work. She is now 17 and very reserved due to being the only
person she has ever had for comfort. When she was 12, she made a friend who happened to be an orphan.

Libia is a 20 year old girl who has gotten herself mixed in with the wrong crowd. She has two daughters, a 5 year old and 2 month old, who are the children of a criminal. The only person who knows about the existence of the children is her best friend Willow with whom they live.

When Willow's father marries a new woman, she is forced to live with the woman's 13 sons. Even though she now has brothers, Willow continues to secretly help her friend by working to pay the rent while the elder buys food and necessities. Willow's brothers quickly become very fond of her and while trying to get her to open up, she is hit with a life changing event, they find a softer side of her.
Yesterday, my father called me for the first time this year to tell me that I have to move. My dogs, Bruce and Cash, heard him from the phone and started freaking out, especially when my dad said that I would be living with my 13 new step brothers.

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