Chapter 7

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Infants with ear infections are not good on sleep schedules.
It is now 5 in the morning and I am sitting against the kitchen wall with my third redbull and a warm rag against a fussy Salamanders ear.
I had to bring her down or else she would have kept everyone else awake, since most of us sleep on the same floor. Not to mention I've had to feed Peach every two hours, give or take an hour.
Take an hour.
I may have a sleeping problem.
"Willow?" I look up to see Masaomi in his pajamas, staring at me with wide eyes.
"I'm fine, she had an ear ache and cannot take medicine, so she has been fussy." I say with a yawn that I chase down with a sip of red bull.
"How many of these have you had?" He asks worriedly, taking my red bull.
"That would be my third. I need about 7 more before I'll be fully functional for today's activities." I say and he kneels in front of me.
"How often do you go a full night without sleep?" He asks, freaking out a little.
"I'm going to need you to calm down. It's not that big of a deal. Sometimes I need to study for a surgery, Sally gets sick, or a friend needs to talk. It varies on people, but no sleep happens 4 nights a week on average." I say and he sighs.
"You are going to hand me Samantha and you are going to go lie on the couch and sleep for the next 4 hours. I don't have to be at work until 10, so I will take care of the girls. Now go." He says and I hand him Sally, ending up with the same result as last time. I put my hands out for her, but Masa just points at the couch and takes Peach off my shoulder.
I sigh and sit on the couch, staring at him as he tries to calm Sally down.
"Need help?" I question and he glares. "Go to sleep." He growls and I groan before lying down on the couch, almost instantly falling asleep.

"She is so cute!"
"So, she stayed up all night, down here, so she wouldn't wake us up?"
"Glitter doesn't sleep a lot. Mommy makes her take medicine sometimes."
I peel one eye open when Chickadee says this. It's true, Libia makes me take Xanax sometimes.
"Leave her alone, she has another two hours to sleep," Masaomi says. "Not really. I need to confirm that the studio will be private." I say, sitting up and walking to the kitchen, instantly going for my mochi.
"I'm driving you and picking you up. You haven't had enough sleep to be driving a car full of kids and animals," Kaname says. "Well, your plans to spy on me have already failed because the front desk won't let you in without having a reservation or my permission-which I will not be giving," I say and he sweatdrops. "You're too smart. And I think you have telepathy." Kaname mumbles.
"Maybe, now let's get the exam over with."

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