IV. Friends or not

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I woke up to the sound of a loud crash and bang
Also. Where am I?!
Oh right. The Orlando house hold
How lovely! What the hell is Johnny doing downstairs it sounds like he's destroying the house. And since I'm his baby sitter I have to go check that he hasn't killed himself. Although if he's not dead I don't mind killing him considering he woke me up from a great sleep. You know them sleep lines you get on your arms and stuff when you were having a good sleep? Yeah I have them. Which means he interrupted my me time, and I'll get him back for it. Just you wait Orlando.
I walked down the stairs to find Johnny in the kitchen surrounded by a load of pots and pans.
"What the hell are you doing" I joked

"Oh uh making breakfast! I wanted to try a fry up but it didn't go to plan" his eyes wander over to the burnt bacon and eggs on the side

"Oh god move out the way! I'll make it just sit down" I rolled my eyes

"You know I can do it. I'm not a baby" he said rolling his eyes

"Oh really! Then why did your mom hire a baby sitter for you?" I said with a sarcastic smile

"Nerd" he mumbled quietly

"Hypocrite!" I said louder

"Hey! I thought we were past that!" He yelled

"Well I thought we were past the whole nerd thing but obviously not" I said annoyed

"We are past it, I'm just used to that word now sorry" he replied shrugging

"Whatever" I mumbled
I slid some eggs and bacon onto two plates and handed one to Johnny

"Thanks it looks good!" He stated looking down at his plate

"It's alright as long as your not burning the house down" I said sarcastically

We began eating and after a few minutes Johnny suddenly says
"Alexa? Play Waste my time"

And Alexa started playing this song

"What on earth is this?!" I said in disgust

"A song" he shrugged
I just stared at him

"What! It's not that bad. It's by my favourite singer" he added

"Fineee but tomorrow I'm picking a song during breakfast" I replied rolling my eyes

"You probably listen to Justin Bieber or some shit" he replied

"Excuse me?! Bieber is not shit. Plus I don't listen to him" I said smiling while saying the last part

After breakfast we both went upstairs and got ready for school.
I looked at my clothes and chose a basic outfit again. Just leggings and a baggy top with vans
I went into the bathroom, straightened my hair and put some foundation and mascara on
When I got back downstairs, Johnny was sat watching...guess what? Outerbanks.

"What are you doing?! We've got to go to school" I called out

Before replying he stood up and turned to face me
My eyes wandered from his toes to his head
He was wearing black jeans and a green top that hung closely to his well toned chest
"KENZIE" he called

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