XXVI. The date

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I was going for my first official date with Isaak today. Johnny hasn't spoken to me since yesterday when I told him I was with Isaak.
I've moved my stuff back into my room and we avoid each other most of the time. I'm just thankful his family are coming home soon so it won't be awkward for long.
I went to my closet and picked this outfit

I didn't know if Johnny was asleep or not so I tried to sneak downstairs and not make much noise

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I didn't know if Johnny was asleep or not so I tried to sneak downstairs and not make much noise. When I got down there Johnny was already up and sat at the table. He looked at me then back down to his phone

I went to pick up my bag and leave when he finally said
"Y-your going out?"

I turned to him
"Uh yeah. Isaaks invited me out" I nodded

"Oh yeah right" he rolled his eyes

His attitude was getting on my nerves. He didn't like me the way Isaak likes me and now he's stroppy because I chose Isaak over him
Anyway it's time for my date!


I was sat at my kitchen table when Kenzie came down all dressed and ready to go out
"Y-your going out?" I awkwardly asked her

"Uh yeah. Isaaks invited me out" she simply nodded

Even the sound of his name brought anger to me. Who does he think he is stealing my girl?! My Kenzie?! Ugh. He probably doesn't even know anything about her

"Oh yeah right" I rolled my eyes, starting to show my annoyance

Without another word Kenzie walked off out of the house.

I swear to god he better treat her right if this is the guy she wants to be with.
I decided to text Hayden

hey bro Kenzies gone out on a date with that Presley guy what should I do?

lol wdym John? You can't do anything

I just feel like I should watch over her. Make sure he's not a douche. I have this gross feeling burning up inside of me

uh yeah dude that's called jealousy. Surprised you haven't felt it before when Brynn was flirting with other guys when you were together

but I don't get jealous?! I can't be jealous!

Johnny if your that concerned about her safety or whatever go follow her

on her date?...

yeah if this guys as much of a douche as you think then you should be there incase she needs you

your so right Hayden. I'll go now so I can catch up

how do you know where your going if you and Kenzie aren't talking?

I over heard Isaak telling her to meet her at school and he'll drive to the place

so you'll follow them on from school?

that's the plan. I'll text you if I get caught or whatever

Alright but try to chill a bit yeah bro
Read, 11:00am

of course he chooses to ignore that message you dumbass🤦‍♂️

I got in my car and raced to the school. Kenzie was already about 10 minutes ahead of me so I needed to get there quick if I wanted to follow.

I stopped just around the corner so that they didn't see my car, and waited for Isaak to drive off with Kenzie.
I can't hear them but I can see them

Kenzie has gotten out of her car and Isaaks gone to meet her. They hugged and are now talking for a little bit. He then tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. Ugh no that's what I do. He's not meant to do that! She should be mine!
Anger built up inside me again and I hit the steering wheel with the palm of my hand.
Suddenly I heard car doors shut and saw that Kenzie and Isaak were on the move.

I quickly started my car and began following them


Isaak finally arrived to where he was going and I parked the car a few spaces behind theirs. I looked to my right and saw a theme park. Why the fuck would he bring her here? It looks dirty and gross?


we were in Isaaks car driving to our date. He hasn't told me where we are going but I recognize some of the streets we're driving past.

Suddenly we arrive at a theme park
My face lights up with realisation
"Oh my god Isaak! This is where we kissed!" I smiled

He chuckled
"Yeah cute place for our first official date huh?"

"Definitely! It's perfect. Thank you" I hugged him

"Come on let's go" he said

"Ooooo can we go on them flying chairs again? They were super fun!" I squealed

He laughed again

We then joined the queue for that ride and got talking about our interests

"So what's your favourite color?" He asked me, grinning

"Ummmm red. What about you?"

"Gotta be blue. Such a deep, rich color. It's perfect...like you" he smiled

"Are you calling me a deep and rich colored blue?" I laughed, playfully hitting him on the arm

"It was actually a compliment but okay go off" he rolled his eyes


I followed them into this theme park and watched as they walked hand in hand. Ew can they get a room?! They started waiting in line for this chair ride so I stood to the side of the gate and watched, making sure she was okay

At first it looked like they were arguing but then she hit him on the arm. I know usually that would also indicate an argument but if you knew Kenzie like I do then you'd know that's her happy state...when she feels free enough to fight with you, as odd as that sounds.

They then got on the ride and I decided to go get a drink while I waited for the ride to end.

(A.N) TWO UPDATES SUPER CLOSE TO EACH OTHER OMGGGG hahahah stream Everybody wants you by Johnny!!! Thank you❤️

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