XXXVIII. Kenzie's birthday

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Her birthday. My love's birthday. It has to be special.

I texted her friends, Annie, Nadia and Emily to come and meet me at home. Lauren had taken Kenzie out for the day meaning we had the entire day to plan. I knew Kenzie to an extent but to make it the best birthday ever I needed help.

Lauren suggested a big get-together with everyone from school. However as lovely as that sounds, I have come to learn that that's just not Kenzies style.

I made it clear to everyone that it will be small with close friends but that didn't mean we couldn't make it amazing.

"I have an idea!" Annie basically screamed. We looked at her expectantly while she grinned

"Well?" I said after a few seconds of her stood in silence

"OH SORRY. I forgot I hadn't told you" she laughed to herself

"I say we start the night with a great movie binge. Like Harry Potter or something. Then, we invite all her friends from her old school and have a bigger party!"

I looked at the others and it seemed we were all in arrangement.


"HURRY YOUR TINY BUTT UP KENZ THERES GOING TO BE A QUEUE AT BRANDY!" Lauren called to me like a child running to a candy store

I lagged behind, seriously exhausted. We had been shopping for about 4 hours already. Usually id be up for it but since it was my birthday I kind of wanted to spend it with Johnny. However I decided to be with Lauren also to prove that I wouldn't forget about her when I'm with John, like I promised.

She'd been pulling me to a ton of shops and denied me the chance to rest, apart from lunch.

Strangely, Lauren's been watching her phone non stop like she's waiting for something. Anytime I questioned it, she shut me down.

As we entered Brandy Melville, she B-lined straight to the the necklaces and tops. I just lingered in the middle, not really wanting to browse.

She walked back up to me and yanked my hand, making me follow her around again

"Look at this! Oh my god I love it. How much do you think-"
"Yeah let's put that back. I'm not rich"

I tiredly laughed at her enthusiasm

"Lolo when are we going home? I'm falling asleep over here and my legs feel like they're about to fall off any second"

"Alright Kenz. Maybe just one more-"
She paused to look at her phone after it had vibrated in her pocket

"Actually let's go home now" she smiled and I sighed with relief

On the car journey back, we blasted a few songs and danced like crazy people. We even gained a few stares from passing cars in the process.

Soon Lauren pulled up at our house and I got my things together while she was on her phone, yet again. So unsociable.

As we walked up to the door it opened before we even knocked and Johnny was stood with a tub of popcorn
"M'Lady" he said bowing to me

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