XXVII. Plant pot

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After I got a big bottle of water I went back to the ride to find Kenzie and Isaak again. When I got there they were gone. Where the hell were they?! I was gone for ONE MINUTE! I frantically searched the crowds for them. Suddenly my body grew still and I tried to listen to what was going on around me
"Hahaha" I sharply turned to the right to see Kenzie and Isaak laughing with each other. They were buying some popcorn and talking.

Anger built up inside me as he reached for her hand and held it tight. It took everything I had to fight the urge to go and punch his face for taking Kenzie away from me. He didn't have the right.

I sat on a nearby bench and observed as they ate and joked. I wished that was me with her, that I could make her that happy.

I looked at the time on my phone, 4:30pm. It must be the end of their date soon right?


They went on about 3 or 4 more rides and then sat down in this cafe thing to eat an early dinner

It wasn't the most ideal place since I couldn't find anywhere good to hide but I found a spot near a tree.

How could she go from wanting someone like me to wanting someone like... him. There's nothing exceptionally amazing about him so why?!

What happened next caught my eye and made me re think.

Isaak got up to go to the bathroom and straight away Kenzie let out a sigh of relief and then went on her phone. My phone then buzzed


hey I miss you. I'm sorry about this morning

Nah don't worry. Have fun on your date

I responded simply, i didn't want her getting any ideas that I might be watched her or something

"Excuse me sir you-"

I turned my head to see a waitress stood over me

"You can't umm crouch there" she half smiled

I looked up from the tree I was behind and rolled my eyes

"I-its scaring that table over there" she mumbled

I looked to my right to see a table of 4 parents and 3 kids who were occasionally looking over here a little concerned. They probably thought I was crazy

"Alright fine I'll move geez" I stood up slowly trying to not be seen

"Err what are you doing?" The woman asked me

I looked up and rolled my eyes yet again
"Trying not to get caught" I smiled sarcastically

"By who? The plant police?" She responded

"I- you know what forget it. Your joke wasn't funny anyway" I muttered as I walked to another plant to hide

"You can't hide behind that either sir!" She hissed

I sighed in annoyance and gave the waitress a dirty look before heading for the door to leave

I took one last look over at Kenzie before walking out.

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