XXXIII. Suspension

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It's been a few days that I've been suspended now and I have to admit, it's so boring. Kenzies not around since she's at school so I have no one to talk to.
Granted she texts me when she can but I wish I was with her.
The school sent through a ton of work for I going to do it? Highly unlikely.


I miss Johnny.

I was sat with Emily, Nadia and Annie at lunch which is fine because they're my besties, but I love Johnny.

"Kenzie come on, you've got to come out of this sulk sooner or later" Annie pleaded over the table

"Hopefully sooner" Annie mumbled but I heard

"I'm sorry guys, I just-"

"Miss Johnny" they all cut me off and said in unison

"Yeah we know" Emily softly smiled

I heard a voice clear from behind me and I turned around
Eden was stood with an extra angry frown on her face

"Eden?" I questioned with a bit of a scowl

"This is all your fault! If you just accepted that you were a whore then Johnny wouldn't have hurt my precious Isaak" she hissed

Annie slammed her hand on the table after hearing Eden
"DONT talk about her like that"

"Or what? Your going to hit me? Guess the violent trait runs in all the weirdos" she rolled her eyes

"We're not weird! Just because your too egoistical to see that not everyone bows down to you doesn't mean you can bully us" I protested

She seemed angry at first, but then had a devilish grin
Oh no what is she going to do?


Still bored out of my mind, I was sat on the couch flipping through films on netflix.
Suddenly my phone beeped with a YouTube notification
I opened it up and saw a video with the hashtags #slut #weirdo #freak

What on Earth?

I clicked on it and watched the video



"We're not weird! Just because your too egoistical to see that not everyone bows down to you doesn't mean you can bully us"

*Girl picks up smoothie and tips onto first girls head*
*First girl runs out and everyone laughs*


Oh my god. She just tipped a smoothie onto Kenzies head! What the hell is going on?! I can't go to school to help her god damnit

Just then there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it


She seemed angry at first, but then had a devilish grin
Oh no what is she going to do? 

She picked up a pink smoothie that Nadia was drinking and poured it all over my head. The whole lunch hall burst out laughing as it drenched my hair and clothes

I ran out of the hall as fast as I could, ignoring the calls from my friends. When I got to the nearest bathroom I went inside and leaned against the sink. My hair was matted and soaked, it looked awful! I went to wash my eyes out in the sink when I heard the door open. I looked up, thinking it was Annie and my friends, but it was Eden.

"Think you can just run away from me?" She hissed
I stay quiet but kept my head up high

Before I knew it, she had punched me in the face and I was on the floor

"Answer when your spoken too bitch"

I tried to stand up and she punched me again, not wanting me to get off the floor.

"I'm surprised your parents didn't give you away considering how pathetic you are" and with that, she punched me one more time and left

Once I knew she was really gone, I slowly got up and looked in the mirror. I had a big black eye and few cuts on my cheek. Great.
I got my concealer out and tried to cover around my eye as best as I could.

The door opened again and in fear it was Eden, I jumped, but it was only my friends. When they saw the cuts on my cheek they came running over

"Oh Kenzie I'm so sorry!" Emily whispered

"It's fine. I'm fine" I quickly responded

"No it's not Kenzie. She shouldn't be allowed to do this!" Annie protested

"We can't tell a teacher Ans, she'll make fun of us if we do" I reminded them

"This is abuse Ken-"

"ANNIE. I'm fine" I slightly raised my voice

She eventually dropped it and looked at my eye

"Need my help covering it?" She asked

I gently nodded and she smiled

Soon enough my black eye was covered and I was feeling a little better. My friends always helped me feel better. I miss Lauren though! I haven't seen her in months and we were so close. Her being gone has meant Annie and I have gotten closer though so that's okay.

I decided I wanted to walk back into the lunch hall, and show I was strong.

As I walked in I could feel everyone's eyes on me and it was as if they were burning into my soul. I didn't care though-at least I tried to show I didn't care

I waltzed back up to Eden and tapped her shoulder
She turned around and once she saw me, her face grew a look of disgust

"I'm sorry, freaks sit over there" she sarcastically smiled

I didn't respond with anything but took the ice cream cone the girl next to her was eating, and smushed it right into her face.

She let out a gasp as the cold dessert hit her face and I couldn't help but laugh
I bent down to her ear and whispered
"Who's the freak now?"

After that I stood up and strode out of the hall with my friends behind me.


I got up and opened the door. Before I got there, the person knocked about 3 other times. They were very impatient.

Finally when I twisted the door handle I was engulfed in a massive bear hug, which nearly made me topple over

When the person let go of me my eyes grew wide
Oh my god


(A.N) helloooo I had my first two exams today omg.  Also sorry for lots of switching in POVs I just needed to build tension or something you know? Anyways thanks for reading❤️

Baby Sitting The Devilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें