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After my date with Isaak and randomly seeing Johnny at the theme park I went home extremely tired. One thought plagued my mind though-why was Johnny with Brynn?! He said he hates her and she treated him so badly that I didn't think he'd ever forgive her.

I was laying in my bedroom and just scrolling through tiktok. Suddenly a loud bang rattled through the house and I shot up. I carefully slid off the bed and peaked my head out of my bedroom door

"Look Brynn it was nice for a while but we can't be friends I'm sorry!"

It must be Johnny. If he didn't want to be friends with Brynn then why did he go out with her?

"Come on Johnny! You know we should be together! And you would be with me if it wasn't for that girl" Brynn mocked back

"Leave her out of this" he said in a low snarl

"Your seriously defending her when she doesn't give you the time of day! Get your priorities straight Orlando" she stated with a harsh undertone.

"Just get out Brynn. You don't need to be here" he said one last time before shutting the front door. I'm guessing he left Brynn outside because I couldn't hear any snarky come back. It was just silent.

Who was this girl Brynn was talking about? When I was close with Johnny he told me nearly everything and he never mentioned a crush? But maybe that's not what guys talk about with friends, so then he never would have told me.

I decided to walk out and go downstairs to see if he's okay. I know we still weren't on big speaking terms but that doesn't mean I have to pretend he doesn't exist.

As I stumbled downstairs as quietly as I could I heard Johnny mumble swears and curses under his breath.

He looked up as I reached the last step

"K-kenz! D-did you hear any of that?" He asked nervously

"Uh yeah a bit but don't worry you don't need to tell me anything if you don't want to" I smiled warmly

I then awkwardly staged my way around him to get to the drink glasses. He was quick to move out of my way

I thumbled around with the tap, turning it on and filling my glass

"Sooooo" I started
"This girl she spoke about. Does she have a name?" I cheekily asked trying to lighten the mood

He looked down and I saw his cheeks turn to a rose, pink color.

I chuckled slightly. He coughed and his face returned to its natural color.

"You-uh don't know her" he nodded

"Really? Well what's her name though?" I asked

"Uhh- Kayla!" He quickly let out

"Kayla? That's a cute name" I agreed.

We were soon stood in silence until I spoke up
"Annie's coming over soon by the way. She's going to stay for dinner"

Baby Sitting The Devilحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن