XXIII. Coffee/The game

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Even though I went out with Isaak yesterday Johnny didn't seem that bothered.
I woke up the next day wrapped in his arms like usual.
My phone buzzed on the bed side table so I picked it up


hey Kenz want to get coffee today before the game later?

yeah sure that sounds fun brand :))

great shall I pick you up in like half an hour?

Yep I just need to get dressed
Read, 10:03am

I went to get up but Johnny's arm was too heavy. I gently shook him to wake him up
"Hmm" he mumbled in a grotty voice

"J I need to get up" I whispered.
He moved his arm a little away but then said

"Where are you going?" He asked opening his eyes a bit

"I'm going to meet Brandon" I turned to face him, still on the bed

At the sound of Brandon's name Johnny stiffened his arm around me and pulled closer to him

"Johnny" I giggled
"I have to go"

"Noooo" he murmured

"Johnny" I said more sternly making him look up, roll his eyes and slowly remove his arm
"Just no funny business" he frowned

I bent down to him and agreed
"No funny business"  then I kissed him before walking off to the shower.

After my shower I went to my closet and picked out an outfit for coffee 

After my shower I went to my closet and picked out an outfit for coffee 

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When I walked back into Johnny's room he was still in bed. He sat up onto his elbows and raised his eyebrows at me
"Your not going out like that. Them shorts are too short you'll have every guy looking at you"

I raised my eyes

"Johnny it's fine. I've known Brandon for years we seriously don't have any feelings for each other" I smiled

"Ugh just be careful" he pouted

"I promise I will" I kissed him on the cheek then went to the front door once Brandon had rang it.

When I opened it he was wearing this

When I opened it he was wearing this

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