XI. The morning after

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I woke up with a killer headache. How much did I drink last night? I felt a mini heart attack as something on my stomach moved. I soon realised it was an arm. WAIT why is there an arm on my stomach?! Did I kill someone?! Of course that's when it occurred to me to roll over and see if the arm is connected to anyone. I shifted my weight and then had another mini heart attack. Johnny?! Why was I in Johnny arms?! Oh god oh god oh god. I lifted the sheets up a little and had another little heart attack...I was n-naked. Did I have sex? Did I sleep with Johnny? I began to panic but then Johnny started to wake up. He groaned a bit but when he saw me he was just as confused
"Um Kenz why are you in my bed?"

"I-i actually think it's my bed Johnny" I said pointing to the rest of the room

"Okay so why am I in your bed?" He said rubbing his eyes

I started thinking and then it hit me. I remembered pretty much everything from last night. Johnny kissed me, I got upset and drunk a-and then had sex...with Johnny
How do I tell him?!

I could tell he thought the same as me as his eyes grew wide and he lifted the covers a little to see if he was naked
"D-did we?" He trailed off

"y-yeah I think s-so" I stuttered before putting my head in my hands

"Oh god I'm sorry" he apologized

"How did this even happen?!" He added

"...I remember" I mumbled

"What?" He asked

"We were playing truth or dare but I brought Isaak, you seemed to be annoyed. On one of your dares you brought me into a closet and kissed me saying you hated Isaak. I-i ran away and got drunk. I guess you got drunk too and long story short w-we had s-sex" I explained

"Oh dammit! I'm sorry Kenz" he apologized again

"Yeah..." I simply said, picking up some shorts from the side along with a top and slipping them on under my covers

"Kenzie? You seem off?"

"Well we just had sex why wouldn't I be off?" I snapped

He was taken aback and scratched his neck nervously with his hand
"Your right...sorry"

I lied that wasn't the reason I was upset. I was upset because I let myself not only lose my first kiss to someone I didn't want, but I also thought it was a good idea to lose my FRICKING VIRGINITY the same night!!!!!! TO SOMEONE I DIDNT WANT!!!! fuck I messed up

I went into the bathroom to sort my hair out
"Are you getting up or?" I asked him

"Hm? Oh sorry yeah I'll get up now" when he got up he seemed oblivious to the fact he was stood naked Infront of me

"GEEZ JOHNNY?!" I said covering my eyes

"Oh! Sorry I wasn't thinking" he said grabbing a towel by my desk and wrapping it around himself

"I'll leave now" he quickly said and walked out

As soon as I heard the door shut, I banged my hair brush down and fell to the floor. I can't believe I let this happen. Of all things...when I was DRUNK. I felt violated but it was my fault. What was I meant to do now?

After a while there was a knock on the front door. I heard Johnny open it and a chirpy voice say hi. It must be Annie. I quickly stood up and dusted myself off right before she burst through my room

"Hi!" She said again

I tiredly walked out of the bathroom and saw Annie looking out of my window

"...what's wrong?!" She said straight after she saw me

"W-what nothing!" I defended

"Kenz I know when something's wrong. Spill!"

"...Johnny and-and I s-slept together" I muttered starting to cry

"Y-you mean like cuddled and fell asleep?" She asked

I shook my head and she understood what I meant. She came running over and embraced me in a tight hug
"It's okay sweetie"

"N-no it's not Ans, it was m-my f-first" I broke down

"I know Kenz, I know, you must have been drunk oh this is all my fault I shouldn't have left you at the bar I'm sorry"

"No no it's not your fault Annie don't worry" I sniffled

"Why don't we go out for breakfast?" Annie suggested

"Yeah okay. Can I have pancake?" I chuckled

"Of course! Let's go" Annie responded, jumping up and dragging me downstairs
We were walking to the door when Johnny tried to stop us
"Hey where are you going-"

"Breakfast!" Annie shouted, closing the front door
Annie and I drove to a small cafe near the Orlando household and it was cute and had pancakes!!
I admit I was feeling a little better but I was still angry at the situation
"What would you like?" The waitress asked us

"Two pancake meals please!" Annie responded before I could say anything
Soon after our breakfast came and we began eating
I poured a ton of syrup on mine because I was sad

"Soooo I know you aren't happy about what happened but I gotta ask...was he good?" Annie whispered

I chuckled slightly and then responded

"Yeah...from what I can remember he was good"

"How good? Scale of 1-10?" Annie laughed

"Hmmm definitly 11/10" I laughed
"But I haven't had anything to compare it to" I shrugged

"Girl he looks like he's good so if you think he is then he definitely is!" She said playfully hitting my arm

"Alright alright! He was...amazing" I mumbled half smiling

Annie just chuckled
"Stop it now your making me wish I'd had him"

We joked the rest of breakfast and laughed. Annie always made me feel better she knew how to make me laugh. I missed Lauren though. Out of the whole group I was probably most closest to Lauren but since she's gone me and Annie have gotten closer

(A.N) hiiii nothing BIG happened this chapter but it will soon ;)) anyways thanks for over 300 reads it means a lot❤️

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