VI. Decide

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It's the next morning and I flutter my eyes open. When I'm finally awake it was dark. Why was it dark? We were in the living room so sunlight would be shining through the windows?
That's when I realised, what the hell is on my face? I heard a snigger from behind me. Who was that? Annie? Was she playing a joke on me? I reached my hand up and removed the piece of what seemed to be, clothing from my face. What the- EW EW EW. God no it's not-is it? UNDERWEAR! It was! I threw them across the room and shot up from the couch

I turned around, anger plastered on my face
He carried on laughing, nearly collapsing onto the floor

Suddenly Nadia, Emily and Annie jumped in shock
"What on earth happened guys?" Emily said sleepily


"Oh no I'm in troubleee" he replied pretending to be scared

"JOHNNY!" I shouted

"What" he shrugged

"WHAT DID YOU DO?! AND W-WHY ITS-ITS DISGUSTING" I yelled gesturing to the underwear on the floor
Ugh he made me SO angry. One minute he's nice and friendly and the other he's like this!

"It's funny" he shrugged again

"...HOW" I screamed getting more annoyed by the minute

"Actually! I have this video of it if you want to watch!" He said pointing to his phone in his hand

"I-im sorry... I thought you just said you had... A VIDEO" I yelled at the end

"Yeah yeah I did say that! Come watch!" He told me showing me his phone again

"Oh oh okay! Well do you know what else is funny? Hm?"

"What?" He asked

I picked up the shoe next to me and threw it across the room at him. It hit him in the head. HA I HAVE GOOD AIM

"Ten points to KENZIE!" I yelled as his smile became an angry frown

"I'll get you for that!" He replied, trying to be intimidating

"Ha yeah okay" I scoffed

"I'm not lying! Ill get you back when you least expect it" he said with a straight face before walking upstairs

"God can you believe him! UGH so childish!" I huffed

"Well we knew there was a reason why his mom asked you to baby sit him" Annie laughed

"Yeah he's definitely a child at heart" Nadia sarcastically said rolling her eyes

"Ugh I'm going to get ready. You girls coming?" I asked

They nodded and followed me upstairs


We all chose what to wear. I chose some shorts and a cropped jumper
When we got downstairs Johnny was sat at the breakfast table on his phone

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