🌌 Chapter 5 🌌

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Hey, another small note. I've been trying not to write Crowley as some sort of very affectionate person, in case someone thought I was going to make him a love interest. I'm not btw, I honestly don't see the appeal, and I write for mainly myself.

But I can definitely see him as a loving father figure. Which I have decided to do, since I certainly would need someone like that if I got transported into an unknown magically filled world.

K enough of that, enjoy the chapter.


"There really is nothing..." Crowley sighed, looking into the thick book in his hands. "Not only the world map, but it's not written in any history."

"Hmm." The girl frowned, searching through more books on the table in front of her. "But that can't be, an entire country just doesn't disappear..."

"Were you lying to me?" The man asked with narrow eyes.

"No! Why would I lie about something as my home?!" The girl screamed in frustration. "You're not the only one that wants me to leave! I want to go home too! I didn't ask to be summoned here!"

She slammed her head into her hands, feeling her emotions overwhelm her. Everything that happened tonight has rushed back to her, crashing like a tidal wave against her sanity. A few hiccups leaves her mouth, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I want to go home..." She muttered. Crowley looked at the girl, sympathy glowing in his eyes. He carefully moved his hand onto her shaking shoulder, rubbing it in comfort.

"From the looks of all this...it's safe to say that you're from another world." He explained, thinking over his words so they don't damage the already fragile girl.

"So what? I'm some kind of alien?" She asked, looking up to meet his eyes. "How can I go home then?"

"Do you have any sort of identification? Like a wallet or something?" He asked.

"No...all I have is this robe and the uniform underneath..." She said, sighing. "I can barely remember my surname..."

"Well this is a dilemma..." He sighed, taking his hand off the girl. "I can't let someone magic-less enter this school..."

"However, as an educator, I can't just toss a penniless teen out onto the street. Especially a female, who knows what could happen!"

"Then what am I supposed to do?" She asked, wiping her tears. "I'll do anything."

"Hmm..." Crowley thought over his options. "Aha! There is an unused building on campus."

"It was once used as a dormitory in the past. If you clean it up a bit, you'll be able to sleep there." He explained. "I shall allow you the live there! And I'll look for a way to return you home."

"You will?" She asked, eyes widening.

"But of course! I am gracious!"

"Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She exclaimed, jumping up to hug the man. He stiffened, surprised by the girl's actions. She eventually let go and smiled.

"Yes, we should head there now." He coughed. "It may be old, but it has a certain charm to it."


"This is..." The girl muttered, looking up at the old building. "...too much 'charm'."

"Right, right. Follow me inside." Crowley dismissed her. The two walked inside, and right away the girl can see all kinds of rubble and damage the building went under. "It'll at least keep you out of the rain."

"Sure..." She looked up to see many holes in the ceiling. She hoped she could find enough buckets.

"I'm going back to research, make yourself at home." The man announced, quick in his step to leave.

"Sir?" He turned his head as she called him. "Thank you so much, not everyone would just let a stranger stay in a place they don't belong."

"But of course, Miss, I am the most gracious of all!" He smiled, then quickly walked out the door. "Oh yeah, don't go wondering around the school! Good night."

"Night..." She looked around the main lounge. "I have a lot of work to do just to sit down..."

"Whelp, it's not gonna clean itself!" As soon as the girl said those words, thunder struck. She screeched in surprise, hearing small thuds hit the building. She quickly ran to the large window, minding the rubble, and looked outside.

"It's raining..." She looked out to see the drops of water hit the window harshly.

"It's really coming down!"

"Tell me about it." The girl replied, before realizing. "Wait a second."


"Ah!!" She girl screamed, quickly turning to see a familiar creature. "You!"

"Haha! You got this stupid look on your face! Like a spider being attacked with a water gun!" Grim laughed.

"That doesn't make any sense..." She muttered. "How did you get back anyways? You got thrown out!"

"I had no trouble sneaking back in! Come on!" He exclaimed, smirking. "If you think getting thrown out will make me give up, you gotta another thing coming!"

"What determination..." She said blankly. "Though I don't think they'd let animals be students."

"What was that?!"

"Nothing." She sighed, looking up at the leakimg ceiling. "What made you want to enter this school anyway?"

"Simple! I'm a genius that's destined to be the greatest magician!" He explained. "I've been waiting for the Ebony Carriage to come pick me up."

"But it never did?" She asked, already had cleaned a chair to sit on.

"No..." He answered, looking down on the floor sadly. But quickly he scoffed, crossing his paws. "That Dark Mirror obviously doesn't have an eye for these sort of things!"

"That's why I came here on my own!" He exclaimed, smirking. "Not letting me in would be a waste! Humans just don't get it."

A drop of rain fell onto Grim's ears, causing the creature to freak out. "Ah! Cold, cold! The roof is leaky."

"Thanks captain obvious..." The girl mumbled, sighing as she too felt a drop hit her head. "Guess we'll have to find some buckets."

"My adorable ear fire is gonna be put out at this rate!" Grim cried, running under the girl's chair. "Magic should fix that leak up real quick."

"It sure would." She agreed. "But I don't have magic."

"Eh?! Pfft." The cat-like creature started to laugh. "You can't use magic?! You're useless!"

"Well then why don't you help me and fix this with your magic?!" She grumbled, clenching her fists in anger.

"Help you? No way!" He replied. "I'm just a regular cute monster that's staying in a place for shelter."

"You'd better have a can of tuna ready if you even want a chance at getting me to help!"

"Ugh." The girl groaned, more raindrops hitting her head. "I'm looking for a bucket, I can't deal with this."

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