1: Trost

438 13 31

Pieces of the wall rained down around Tay as the giant face of a titan rose, blocking out the sun with it's disgusting features. She watched in mute terror as a huge chunk of wall started falling toward her. She couldn't move. Couldn't even scream. Her mind was too busy.

I'm going to die. How can life be ended so easily?

Something pushed her away, making her fly through the air until she was out from the rock's path. She fell on her right side, her wrist twisting at an awkward angle. Tay screamed in pain as it snapped under her own body weight. She heard another rumble, and screaming, as yet more rocks fell from the walls.

Tay looked around, then forced herself up. The only person who had been close enough to help her here was.... Her heart and body clenched. She forced herself to her feet, pushing through the pain. Tay turned, calling out Yan's name frantically. She looked to the rock that almost crushed her.

No. She could fix him. He would be okay, she could fix him. Tay ran to the innocent face of Yan, poking out from under the boulder. There was so much blood. It was spattered around his prone form, in his hair, coming from his mouth.

Tay knelt next to him, grasping the hand sticking out beside his head, sitting in the pool of his blood. She was a doctor, she could fix this. Right?

She looked at his adorable face. That face that loved her so much, that she was unable to love so much. He looked... He looked... His entire body was covered by the boulder. The only thing left untouched was his face and his left arm, where he wore his ever present cuff. The one his mom gave him.

He looked....

He was dead.

Tay was still. Frozen. Incapable of moving. Despair and fear whelled up, crashing over her like a tidal wave. He was dead. So innocent. Even in death, he looked innocent.

And it was her fault. Tay screamed in horror. The sight and feelings of this moment finally reaching her.

This was her fault. No one else should have to go through this.

Her scream turned into a roar.



There was something touching her. She didn't want it there, so she moved it. It didn't move. She opened her eyes to slits, getting used to the light. There was three things on her wrist.

She held up her arms, looking an Yan's wrist cuff and the fetters linked to chains. At the sight of Yan's cuff, memories of his dead, bloody face flashed across her vision. And the phantom pain of a broken wrist.

She flexed her wrist, her mind only capable of comprehending one thing at a time. It moved smoothly, good as ever. Had it all been a dream?

No, there were chains on her wrists.

Tay tried to sit up, but only succeeded in making her entire body ache. She felt bone tired, and sore.

Tay looked around as best she could with her eyes, not wanting to move her head in fear of more pain. The chains fell down either side of her body, and left her field of vision.

The room itself was dark, musty, and cold. It had red stone walls, and there was a sconce on the wall to her right. Directly in front of her was a wall of bars.

She was in a cell. In chains.

What had happened? All she could remember was Yan...

No, save that for later.

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